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I want to help with documenting! Can someone give me a job to do?

Just Phil

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I'm jobless and I just ordered my first kit from smash and waiting for it to get here. Until it does I have some time and i want to give back to the community.... Can anyone give me a job to do around here. I've read ucapps and lots of the wiki and I figured the best way to learn more would be to help with some documentation? Keep in mind that I don't have any phyisical experience with the MBHP.

But is there any task maybe with the wiki that someone needs help with???


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I'm jobless and I just ordered my first kit from smash and waiting for it to get here. Until it does I have some time and i want to give back to the community.... Can anyone give me a job to do around here. I've read ucapps and lots of the wiki and I figured the best way to learn more would be to help with some documentation? Keep in mind that I don't have any phyisical experience with the MBHP.

But is there any task maybe with the wiki that someone needs help with???


You could finish all the projects i never finished..


just Simone

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OMG this is great. I dunno where all these wiki angels are coming from, but I like it!

There are a few threads in this subforum about an overhaul that's going on right now, much of it is copy/paste work. Durisian and this are doing work on it right now :)

way to learn more would be to help with some documentation

Sure is!

Thanks man!

God luck with finding a job mate.

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hey Just Phil,

I'am also quite new in the midibox-project and just did some work on the wiki. There's a project whose target is to port the existing wiki pages into a new layout.

There was a discussion about introducing a namespace concept that allows to build up the new wiki in parallel to the old one. you find the discussion in the following thread : http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,12537.0.html

http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/new_wiki_layout'>http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/new_wiki_layout gives you all the templates needed to build the new wiki pages. there are also instructions on the top of this page.

also read the info on the wikify-page http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/wikify'>http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/wikify which shows the new namespace concept. This is also the place where in future all the info about how to write/modify/add wiki-pages should be (wikify:template:module, wikify:template:project etc.)

the entry for the 'old' (current) wiki is just http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/ or http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/home , the entry of the new wiki is http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/home:home , this page will be moved to http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/home when the new wiki is ready to go live. all the old wiki pages use no namespaces, the structure is flat, example:

old page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/din_module -> new page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/home:mbhp:module:din

by using 'home:' as the basic namespace for all pages (execpt wikify:* ), the new wiki can be built up in parallel to the old one without having name-conflicts.

I'm quite new to this wiki-stuff, but I think with the templates and all it's quite easy to get an idea of the whole thing. here you find all about the wiki syntax : http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:syntax

I'll now check my today work again (porting new pages to home: namespace) and maybe find out some new stuff (f.ex. is it possible to make relative links inside a namespace?), and of course fix stuff that I maybe screwed up (hopefully not).

I think the prior job in the wiki is to port the old pages to the new places with the new layout. As stryd_one said in the thread above, it's more or less copy-paste work, and maybe reloving redundant information, make things more tight etc.

So I propose that if there are questions from your side, you post them in this forum.

regards, this

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just found some info about namespaces:


so I'll try to change links in the new wiki pages to relative ones where it makes sense.

hey i'm not sure if i'm doing this right.. all i need to do is copy the info under the new namespace then any links need to link to the next document and so forth is that correct?

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@just phil

I would do it this way:

- copy the source from the appropriate template from new_wiki_layout:...

- create the new page, paste the template. a lot of links are already setup in the templates.

- copy the information from the old page and paste it into the template.

- check all internal links to go to the right place inside the new namespace struct (even if these pages to not exist yet.)

I saw you created the page 'home:mbhp:module:core', I think it's absolutely the right track to start from the existing pages like 'home:mbhp' and then follow the links that have no target page yet and create them. For the core and other modules module http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wikify:template:module would be the appropriate template to use. Just copy the information that is already on the old page to the new one in some way that it fits in.

the internal links, for ex.

[[MIOS_PIC18F452|PIC18F452]] for ex. should be changed to [[home:mbhp:pic:18f452||PIC18F452]]

ehmm... I think you are just finding out all this by your own while I'am writing this...

In some moments I'll start a new thread for unsolved pagenames/places. There are some (on the home:mbhp page for example), where I'm not sure if they are linked to the right target now, or what was the original idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be happy to help out as well.

Sweet! Thanks!

How are we tracking what has been copied, and what hasn't?

If the new page exists, it should be in the :home:* namespace. The problem with that is, how do we know when we've done them all? I still think we should be editing them somehow to flag it. So far, it's possible to keep track of it mentally...but not for long...

Also, when additions are made to the old pages (had a few in mind and found this info on the whole old/new wiki) how do we make sure these too get copied to the new wiki?

At the moment I've just been checking the recent changes page. So far, nothing has been updated which exists in the :home: namespace, but it's bound to happen soon.

Maybe, once we copy a page's content to the new page in the home namespace, we should edit the old page by inserting a keyword for our 'flag', and a link to the new page for people to edit there? I dunno... we need something though :/

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Some solution is definitely needed. I really don't know the best way, I'm so new to this all. :)

I think that it would make sense to have both a link to the new page on the old page, as well as a link to the old page on the new page. Then it's reasonably easy to track changes on the old page after the new one has been created, and port them over. I much more familiar with mediawiki than dokuwiki, so the exact specs on how we should do this is best left to someone with the appropriate experience! :)

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Some solution is definitely needed. I really don't know the best way, I'm so new to this all. :)

That's actually an advantage - no clouded perspective.

as well as a link to the old page on the new page.

Nah then we'll have to run around and remove them all, plus, to find out what had changed, if anything, we'll have to check past revisions. Easier to just monitor the recent changes page.

Don't worry about the doku/mediawiki thing... this is not so much about format as it is about method. Any ideas you have would be appreciated. At the moment, I think it's going to be something as simple as this:


This page has been copied to the updated wiki. Please apply any edits to:

<link to new page>

Unless someone can come up with something better (please) :)

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