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I visit KokiPsiho some week ago to see his freshly built MBSEQ and check how it get alone with my x0x. I took some pictures, uploaded it to my flickr and sent him the link, but he never post it on a forum. As I think it looks pretty good and very well build it deserves some promotion. So, here it is... I`m posting the pictures and he can wright some info about it himself if he like.


bigger picture: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3091/3098416867_bd3a14690c_o.jpg

You probably can`t read the labels. It is Cyrillic.  ;)


bigger picture: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3081/3098416861_e118f0b1a6_o.jpg


bigger picture: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3146/3098420363_866737f92d_o.jpg

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Scene 2 Act 1:

Setting: Delivery room

MBSeq: <crying>

x0xbox: I want another epidural!

MB6582: You cheating b*tch! That's not my child, he looks nothing like me! It was the soldering iron, wasn't it?! Wasn't it?!!

That's a sweet seq. Koki tell us about the knobs and buttons man!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm sorry for delaying to post. Here's some info about my seq.

Panel is 1mm steel done on waterjet which didnt turn out so good so it needed some filing. Enclosure is wooden done by my friend. GP buttons are best Ive ever saw. They're from some Japanese company called Miyama. I dont know exact part, their website is disaster. Beside them im using standard DT6 buttons and Soundwell encoders.

I took me almost two years to bulid this. I wanted to make my pcbs so i had to learn eagle. Im very happy how it turned out, its solid and worked from first time.

Many thanks to Sasha who helped completing this project and of course to Mr. Klose who made all this possibile.











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GP buttons are best Ive ever saw. They're from some Japanese company called Miyama. I dont know exact part, their website is disaster.

I must agree with Koki. These switches seams of very good quality. Not cheap, but I think it worth investing in these for GP buttons as they are most abused. They feel very robust and they are silent! I was searching for datasheet and find out the model name of the button is DS-661. Exactly the same button and model as mentioned Miyima is manufactured by Mountain Switch company (what a name) :) , and can be sourced on Mouser for those of you US people.

They comes in black and gray cap variants and red, green and yellow LED.


Datasheet: http://www.mouser.com/catalog/specsheets/MS-100226.pdf

Many thanks to Sasha who helped completing this project and of course to Mr. Klose who made all this possibile.

You are welcome.  ;)

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Yeh those are yummy switches for sure. Only drawback is that they're square, which is only a problem if you want to DIY your panels.

Well, arn`t LCDs also square?  :P

I think who pays almost 2EUR per button (worth it), will pay some more for making the proper housing by panel service, or put some more energy to file those sqare openings. Long time ago, I used to drill holes and file 3x65mm slots (x6) for a faders out of 3mm aluminum.

I wonder if Mountain do a round actuator...

I really doubt it would look anywhere close to these. For "low effort" DIY, better to go with round MEC, but they are also not cheap, so...

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Well at least in my own case, saving a couple of hundred on housing, by DIY panels, is the way that I can afford to have nice switches... so it's one or the other ;)

Obviously a round one wouldn't look like these, but I don't buy switches just for looks, the primary concern for me is the 'feel'... throw length (hopefully short), sound (hopefully none), pressure curve, etc...

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I don`t pay a couple of hundred here for a panel, so if you are making something with reasonable size I could make you here and send it. Sure, look is less important than functionality but to me it is still pretty important. I don`t like functional women if they look bad. You know what I mean. ;)

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