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About kokiPsiho

  • Birthday 01/15/1983

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  1. kokiPsiho

    kokiPsiho MIDIbox HW

  2. Works here also, Win7 32bit. Thanks TK!
  3. Same here. No luck on another machine with Win7 either. I tried every USB port on two machines.
  4. I installed Ploytec driver on Win7 32bit and got same behavior, not visible in any application that previously worked with Windows drivers. Strange thing is that it's visible in Device Manager as midibox.org GM5.
  5. This is great! I was thinking to request something like this after upgrade to new core. This will ease usage for sure. I have few friends who love to work on mbseq but I noticed that setting track event page (midi ch, port, etc.) is hardest thing to understand for them. I do it in few seconds because I know connections. Named presets are great. Excellent work TK! Thanks, koki.
  6. I use this all the time. Much of my other equipment changes patterns at the end of loop. I'm getting new core soon so ill try to give some feedback after upgrade. Thanks, koki.
  7. fussylizard 2 strophlex 4 nsunier ~10 rosch 4 ssp 2 (maybe 4) gtxdude 2 matoz 4 lucem 6 enth 3 flemming 1 kyo 2 wilba 6 dstamand 1 olga42 5 latigid on 2 kokiPsiho 2 ---------------------- ~56 two for me
  8. Sorry TK, all is fine. I have mess up my hex files. Thanks, koki.
  9. Hi, I've updated to 3.4e from 3.4a and Sync to measure feature still behaves weird like Futureman described in his post. Can anybody check to confirm this? Thanks, koki.
  10. I liked separate drum and synth tracks idea more but I agree that 16 tracks are enough This will work, I like the idea Please do :)
  11. I'm for separation of drum and synth tracks. I really like the idea of combining 16 tracks in single pattern. Does this mean seq would play 8 pattern groups in parallel? If so maybe adding a page to mute each each pattern group in addition to track mute page. I personally think this is biggest weakness of MBSEQ. I never use Note/Note/Note layer, which I suppose is meant for drum programing, because they all share same gate which is confusing for me. Maybe I'm using it wrong way but it's just not easy to use. Can you give more info about naming drum instruments feature? One thing i noticed in drum synths is they mostly follow General MIDI Percussion Key Map or each sound (drum, snare, toms..) needs just one note to trigger. Maybe edit page in drum mode could be made in such way that pressing GP button would set one constant predefined note and encoder could be use to modify selected parameter layer. You could also display different LCD page for drum mode e.g. each step could be represented by o/* so there's more space to display other info as well like parameter value. Im not sure if this make sense, correct me if I'm missing something.
  12. Hi, I'm sorry for delaying to post. Here's some info about my seq. Panel is 1mm steel done on waterjet which didnt turn out so good so it needed some filing. Enclosure is wooden done by my friend. GP buttons are best Ive ever saw. They're from some Japanese company called Miyama. I dont know exact part, their website is disaster. Beside them im using standard DT6 buttons and Soundwell encoders. I took me almost two years to bulid this. I wanted to make my pcbs so i had to learn eagle. Im very happy how it turned out, its solid and worked from first time. Many thanks to Sasha who helped completing this project and of course to Mr. Klose who made all this possibile. Regards, koki.
  13. I have Vista x64 and I can confirm it works. This is great because I have M-Audio Midisport and they didn't release x64 drivers despite their promise. Instead they released identical product and named it Midisport Anniversary Edition ??? which is class compliant like GM5. They suck.
  14. Hi, I would advise to look for another distributor. Last year I bought 100pcs of 3FTL6 from Elproma Elektronika (http://www.elproma.com.pl). Here are quotes I got in march 2007, prices are in euros. 3FTL6 0,45 1D 0,09 1E excl. lens 0,09 1E incl. lens 0,21 1S - heights 16.0 - 19.0 - 22.5 0,09 3FTL are noisy ones and those prices are for 100pcs. I can attach enitre PDF with prices for all MEC products I got back then but it would be better to contact Elproma and ask for more recent prices. Regards, koki.
  15. Hi, have you considered providing PSU options similar to what Wilba did for his PCB? Maybe adding some connector and few jumpers will allow to use stabilized PSU like C64 or similar. Anyway PCB looks very good. Thanks.
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