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What encoders to take


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Ok, i'm on the mouser site and I'm getting a bit confused.

I'm checking the encoders on this page :


First of, Is there a big difference in performance between 36 detents res 18 and 24 detents/24 res ?

The 36 detents are much more expensive and I wonder if the 24 detents can do the job .  The 24 detents/24 res are 1.47$ which I find pretty strange, are they crap ?  

Now on the site they say to choose non detented encoders, are those ones non detented ?



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Hey Nat

I hav'nt looked at mouser but the encoders are rated in ppr pulse per revolution.

16 ppr up to i think 32 is ok

Obviously the higher the ppr the more pulses are recieved in mios per revolution and the quicker the adjustment of a given parameter.

Detent / undetent.......mios can be configured to accept either

Only 16E does'nt use detented encoders


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I'm getting quite confused.  As I understand, the Midibox16e only support non detented encoders, meaning that when you turn it, you don't feel any ticks.

I was reading some threads at the french forum and they the that the 16E supports only detented encoders....

I don't understand :((

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I just visited a music store and tested some controllers with encoders and I definately want Non detented ones, they are smoother, I'd don't like that step feeling with the detented ones.

Now, where to find non detented ones that have a good resolution ?

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Mouser has some 318-ENC160-24P from Xircom/Alpha that looks nice and are not too expensive.  They are non detented.  I just wonder if they are good, will wait to see if someone who has some comment on them.


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Mouser has some 318-ENC160-24P from Xircom/Alpha that looks nice and are not too expensive.  They are non detented.  I just wonder if they are good, will wait to see if someone who has some comment on them.


Nat, take a look at the datasheet for these (on the mouser site).  It shows them as detented.  I don't know which is right, the catalog or the datasheet, so if anyone knows, please speak up!



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