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Newbie confused about the end of the MIDIbox DIY process


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Hi. I have plans to build a simple controller for LIVE using the midibox hardware. The plan is 32 buttons and 32 knobs. I read the entire site and a lot of forum articles, and now understand how to solder everything together. I also understand that the CORE + PIC can be ordered with the right boot or burner or whatever, but it still needs to have MIOS and then an application uploaded (via MIDI). Well I downloaded the collection of .hex files that are appropriate for this step and plan to upload that and one of the simpler programs for I guess midibox64. After that, can I just plug my controller in to the computer and expect it to appear and send messages when I open up LIVE? Does it matter what kind of USB module I am using i.e. GM5 or other? Do I need to write any special application in C for programming the midi messages or is that included in the application? Thank you.

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Welcome to the forum!

There is no better way to answer your question than to try it out :) There's also a walkthrough for the MB64 up on ucapps.de that should answer your other questions (yes, it should just work, but you have to map the knobs and buttons the way you want, both on the MB64 and in your application - the ucapps.de section on this should give you a good head-start).

Have fun and good luck!

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Thank you. I do plan to learn by doing. But can you be more specific about how I "map the knobs and buttons the way you want, both on the MB64 and in your application" or give me a link that explains that? I looked in the walk-throughs but they did not actually explain anything about that. This is what I am looking for to complete my understanding of the process.

I opened and toured MIOSStudio - is that what is used to write the application for my controller? Is it possible to just use existing .hex applications? I know how to map midi to functions in LIVE, but how (what's the idea more or less) do you get knobs and buttons to actually emit intelligent midi messages; how does the controller program know what to the display on the LCD, how does it all come alive? I'm not clear on this part of the process. A few sentences on that point would probably set me straight. Sorry I'm so clueless. Thank you.

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