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DIN not responding


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Hello!  I am currently working on my first project, a MIDIfied 32-note organ pedalboard.  I am using one CORE (PIC18F4685) and one DIN from SmashTV for this project.  After assembling the two boards, I used the MIOS Studio to upload the midio_128 hex file and MIDI-OX to upload the SysEx file (I used the default).  When I restarted the CORE and tried shorting the pins on the DIN, nothing happened.  Where should I go from here?

Note:  When I power up the CORE, I get this message:  SYSX:  F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

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Have you confirmed that MIDIO128 works on a 4685? it may not, as it is not originally intended for that chip.

I couldn't find a place in the documentation that specifically stated "4685 doesn't work", but the only chip mentioned was the PIC18F452 I/P.  To be honest I just guessed which chip I needed when I was starting to order parts.  Should I switch to the 452 chip?

Perhaps you could try the SRIO interconnection test app.

When I put the test app on the chip and took a multimeter to the various pins on J9 and the individual pins on the din module, they all showed ~5V.

Did you use smart mode, etc?


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I couldn't find a place in the documentation that specifically stated "4685 doesn't work", but the only chip mentioned was the PIC18F452 I/P

Bingo. If it says to use the '452, you probably should, unless you know better. Search the forum for posts by myself or tk describing the differences between the chips and why it may or may not work. I would guess that the 4685 is probably not the problem.

Read the comments in the SRIO app, they'll tell you how to use it. I suspect the problem is a soldering error (it usually is) and if so, this might give you some hints...

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I haven't had any success with either a new processor or the test app.  I have a hunch it may be how I connect the core to the din.  When I shorted the top SC pin and the botton SO pin with everything running, I got a ton of Note On, Note Off, Control Change activity.  The diagrams explain how to set it up on an earlier version, but this version's J1 has 10 pins, not 5.  What do you think?

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I haven't had any success with.... the test app. 

It's a test, you don't succeed or fail, you do it, and post the results ;)

I have a hunch it may be how I connect the core to the din.

You should be testing the voltages at all points in the signal path, when you run that SRIO test - at the core, and at each DIN module, on both sides, and where those traces meet the IC's, etc.

  When I shorted the top SC pin and the botton SO pin with everything running, I got a ton of Note On, Note Off, Control Change activity. 

That says your core is working, at least to some extent :)

The diagrams explain how to set it up on an earlier version, but this version's J1 has 10 pins, not 5.  What do you think?

I think I'm not psychic... got a link to these diagrams?

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