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Mega Remix ...? : -->>MIDIBOXTRACKS<<--


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I think we can make some samples on 130 BPM ....and some SID preset or sample ....

we have to decide wich type of sample we need ...

- rythm loop ( or separate drum kit)

- Pads (strings, synth layer ... i mean "not percussive sounds")

- Voices

- Different sounds ( noize and others )

- classic instruments ( Guitar, bass...)

-  ...........

and everyone interrested can write their name in remply

After we can decide wich samples can be used by all...

any other idea are really welcome !

Thorsten !  please ! do it with us !

may be we can do a compilation on cd after  


"TK MB COMPILATION : Midibox Track from anywhere for everywhere !"

;D ;D ;D

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Guest Xcen

Yup! We just need to come up with a decent set of samples... then it's a general free for all :D

Maybe each one of us could "Impose" a sample of his own so that we would have to do something with community based samples `? :)


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i think the samples won't be too big ...so we don't have to compress it ....

BTW .. the final tracks will certainly be in MP3 ... so may we use mp3 @ 320K for samples ? ... and we can put the .WAV also on the website for thoses which have speed connections .....

i've aleady create  the web page adress :


(activated this night at 24:00 French time)

i think Xcen is right !

We have to "impose" a sample for each people ...

It's gonna be more fun !

and again .... Any idea is really really welcome !!!!

up to you now !

ps: i can send by PM or mail the ftp account for anyone want to make the website ...

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Quick inputs from my side:

  • great idea! :)
  • I'll join the team and provide some samples
  • great possibility to test SID firmware v1.5 ;-)
  • as soon as the website has been launched, I will add a link to the ucapps mainpage

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hurray! Now introducing music in the Midibox community lol

Always found it weird to be with musicians all the time but only talk about electronics

I can hardly wait... maybe we could do a webpage and we could have some sort of signup form where we can upload a sample

no worries about ogg :P I'm just trying to sensibilize people to it since I believe it needs to be pushed forward... and I'm (of course) overdoing it hehee

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