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Midibox CV Syntax Error

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I am trying to compile the Midibox CV application using code offered for DOUT triggers in the Wiki here:


I am getting a "syntax error" on this line:


The compiler doesn't return any errors if I comment out this line (but I'm guessing then my triggers won't work.  :-[)  Any clues?  My MIOS coding skills are nothing right now, so I'm not even sure what I'm looking at.

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Cool, I will do that as soon as I get this working!  I think I have burnt shift registers, because I'm getting nothing on my DOUT pins even with the DOUT test application -- ordering more today.

It would be cool to add an extra menu page allowing you to route the DOUT triggers to whatever values you liked, maybe I'll try to tackle that in the future.  It'd also be nice to be able to select whether or not a specific DOUT is a 1ms trigger or a regular gate.

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Well my DIN board (which is just a single shift register exactly as detailed in the schematic) is working fine.  I have checked all the connections successfully from the pins on the shift register back to the PIC, and from the shift register to my DOUT pins... everything is fine.  I only have the one DOUT shift register at the moment, so if it's bad, it's just a single one bad and not a whole chain... only other thing I can think of is the PIC has a bad pin, but that doesn't seem likely. 

I will check out that SRIO test app... the one I was using is the DOUT test app.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry it took me a while to revisit this.

I got the code working and updated the wiki articles with the new information:


I also updated the code in the German version of the page, but did not add the information on changing the MIDI channel, mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht. :P

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