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MIDIbox CV - J5 Gate Outs Protection


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I just finished my MIDIbox CV and is working great, I will use it to control my DIY modular.

I used the AOUT (MAX525s) and powered it from +15-15V, also used the J5 of the CORE as gate outs.

These outs are took directly from the PIC to the jacks without any protection, and I know that every time

I will plug a patch it will short briefly the PIC outs to ground. I don't know if the PIC could take this stress

or if it is better to protect the outs.

If protection is the way to go, do you think that a 100 ohms resitor in serie with the outs is enough?

Thank you.

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The internal IO pin output drivers of the PIC are already limited at 25 mA, so that the 100 ohm resistor doesn't make a big difference. I think, that an additional protection isn't required, but if somebody experienced problems with shortened IOs, please let me know.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 10 months later...

hi all!

first thx for this great midibox project!

this is my favorite non-commercial... :)

hmmm...i made some shorts last night and now my Gate1 is gone... :cat:

everything is working except G1 from the PIC.

i use all banana connectors... and this is not pure data :)

i thinking about adding some extra diodes/1n4148 to the gates

//4.3V is fine for driving my EG's//

but i don't know its enough to protect the PIC.

here is a pic of my midikannibal//AOUT+CORE




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