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becoming of a midimerger


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Hello everybody!

this certainly is one of the best communities around. and midibox is just great stuff to deal with.

yes, i've also caught a midibox bug ... well, i'm glad

so, i'm getting into building a couple of things.

SID being the first; still got some wiring left + pic burning... i will present it here as soon as it starts producing some sound.

the other project is a midi merger. i've got the parts, box is on the way - everything clear & set; main motivation is to have a simple merging for the purpose of playing sempler (mostly live) from both the electronic pads, and a keyboard.

still i think it could become even more handy (especially on stage, also for purposes of further routing) if it had both inputs available as thru's (unemreged, that is); my question is: what do i need to get this - would it be possible to simply hardwire an out from each in (after optocoupler), or do i need a thru module for each?

another thing: would it make a problem if i duplicated out - hardwire another parallel port to existing out?


and sorry if this is stupid to ask.

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Midi Merge's are handy tools.. welcome aboard.

another thing: would it make a problem if i duplicated out - hardwire another parallel port to existing out?

So you mean, you want to make multiple copies of the same out? This would be done with another buffer..  (Like adding some thru's)

This schematic is for a stand alone 'thru box', so you won't need the opto isolator etc.. just the way the buffer is wired up.. which is a $1 IC.





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thanks a lot styrd_one.

i see ... well, i've suspected thru is the way to go for unmerged ins.

sorry for not being clear: what i meant is that i also want to clone  merged out - parallel meaning connection to existing out.

thanks for  the schematic mike. it really helps; i'd probably be looking for something useful for some time. still have to get my thinking to midi ways ... all buffered - got it for now.


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