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Use the midibox as a backup media for ur synth


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i have question  :)

i have been thinking about the midibox and to use it as a backup machine for

my synthesizer sounds...

so what i would like to have is, that i can send the sounds/multis or what ever

is on the synth as sysex and store it on to bankstick.

since i have now the midibox sequenzer, i dont use the pc so much anymore

and i dont want to start up the 600 Watt PC just to store some synth patches.

Well u have userbank on synthies... but i dont want to overwrite the existing ones...

is there allready a solution for such a scenario  ???

i have seen the midibox UC, but i am not sure if it is the real thing, it looks more

like a parameter controller only. :-[



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