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error after update of new version sequenzer 3,4 e

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what the heck  :o

after i have installed the latest seqeunzer version, the datawheel is without function.

when u turn it, something flikers but it is not realy changing the value, also the selection

marker always jumpes to position 9 but it is not actually effekting anything....

i just put the seqeunzer in to my rack yesterday, working all day correct without any error...

so i now allready have opened it up and checked the encoder... the encoder is ok...

is it possible to get back the old version, can i download the older versions somewhere, please.

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This cannot be related to the firmware version (it already has been tested by some people), therefore uploading an older release won't help anyhow.

How did you upload the application?

Did you use a different MIDI Interface this time?

Did MIOS Studio report any errors during code upload?

Which upload mode are you using? (hopefully "Smart mode")

How did you test that the encoder is working?

If there wasn't an issue during code upload, it could help to use MIDIO128 for troubleshooting the encoders and buttons.

It would also be interesting to know some more details about your MBSEQ construction.

E.g., flickering LEDs or non-functional buttons/encoders are a common problem if cables to the DIN/DOUT registers are too long. Also a short between SCLK and RCLK can cause this, etc... (more once you explained the details)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I guess that you've uploaded the wrong .hex file.

Please try setup_mbseq_v3.hex first, just upload the file again if you are unsure! Report the results!

If it won't work I will search for an older release package on my harddisk, but I'm very sure that it won't help!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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