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MidiBox CV to my Mono/Poly


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Hello all,

I got the midibox CV using an NG module up and running today.

Good news is that it works great with my Moog Source so far.

Bad news, or strange news is that it dosen't trigger my Korg Mono/Poly correctly.

If I hold down a key on the M/P and play a sequence of midi notes thru the cv box it works(pretty lame though).

This of course is not acceptable for many reasons, and I've tried all sorts of internal settings on the MB CV with no luck.  :(

The M/P is not complicated, it uses V/oct so I hope it's something simple.

Also, I want to build a simple MB Seq using one 2x40 lcd and a few encoders and buttons that have multiple uses.

I think I had seen someone working on such a thing but couldn't find any examples of the code that was written for it. ???


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Is the problem that you have your gate input on your mono/poly switched to S-Trig? I don't have mine with me, but from memory there is a switch to change the polarity from S-trig to V-trig.. but I think the arp clock is only S-Trig.

If you are triggering it with V-triggers, the notes will be lazy and out of time.

(S-trig is a short to ground trigger, while V-trig is a voltage trigger)



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Yes, the synths needed gates. The M/P didn't need any special cables, but the Source did on the trigger input. The MBCV is all done and works great. This was a pretty smooth build with little complication, thanks goes to TK and company. Next up is the sequencer.  :)


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