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bankstick SID problem


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i have just burned SID latest version on pic16f977.

everything works fine (even with jsynth), but when i mount the bankstick the following things happens:

- i'm not able to play anything

- the SID outputs a short impulse note which pitch is constantly rising

- even if i upload the preset bank with jsynth nothing happens

what can be the problem?

i checked the connections a lot of times!

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Hi Matteo,

so, you hear a short tune when you connect the BankStick - this means that the EEPROM has been regognized.

even if i upload the preset bank with jsynth nothing happens

...what should happen? Did you select the Patches via Program Change? Note that Patch #1 is the internal patch stored in EEPROM, patch #2-128 are the external patches stored in BankStick.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Alright, this explains everything :)

Your BankStick has not been formatted yet, the firmware tries to do this - a "beep" can be heared after every formatted patch, so you have to wait for 128 "beeps" until the BankStick is ready for use. It takes about 3 minutes.

During the formatting procedure all other SID functions are disabled. When you interrupt the formatting (by removing the BankStick or Power-Off), the firmware will try it again so long until it has been completed.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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