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MIDI range?


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As far as i know MIDI cc values range from 00 to 7F, yet almost all of my knobs on MB64 have a much narrower range(from around 08 to 7C). I'm trying to figure it out what the cause could be:

-cheap pots

-wrong power supply

-something wrong with the midibox

Did anyone had any issues like that?

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Without getting too picky, I'm not sure I'd describe losing less than 10% of your range as "much narrower"..

Also, you said "almost all" of the pots.. do SOME of them go full range?

The numbers you gave show most of the "lost values" are from the bottom of the range (0-7 missing), those are the

values closest to ground.. so here's a simple test.. choose one of the pots that cannot go below 0x08, disconnect it, and

connect the lead that was going to the pot wiper directly to the metal tab of the 7805 on the core.

Does it read zero now? If so, you just proved the analog input, as well as the software, is working fine.

If that test shows zero, then you'll be looking at your pot wiring.. search "pot wiring" in the WIKI for more info.

Good Luck,


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