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When you say there is no light, do you mean no backlight? What model display are you using? Are you sure you have A (Anode) and K (Cathode) connected the right way round? It is an LED backlight and not EL?

Have you loaded the MB-SEQ software? What is on the display?

It may be easier to ask on the French board http://midibox.org/f...um/24-francais/ although your English isn't that bad :) Giving as much information as possible is always a good idea!



Edited by philetaylor
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As they say "a picture tells a thousand words!" :)

So MB-SEQ is up and running... That is a good sign! Can you describe how you have connected the LED's? As they are all on, can you check that you have wired them as per this: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_v3_dout.pdf

On the DOUT module, you should have a 220R resistor between each output and the LED with the other LED leg connected to Vs. Can you check that you have done this? If you have connected the LEDs to Vd by mistake then you would get the effect that you are seeing.

Also have you connected the buttons/encoders like this: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_v3_din.pdf You don't say if the buttons/encoders are working or not?



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I make a mistake so invert port J9 ans J8 on core

Now the encoders are running but leds are also lighting

The buttons run

the data whell run

no backlaight on LCD

Just a question after that i not have to reload the seq aplication?

I have mayhaps broken my registers on DOUT module?

Edited by henri
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No, it isn't required to upload the sequencer application again (so long you are using MIOS V1.9g and the latest MBSEQ V3 release v3.4f)

The DOUT registers won't be damaged if you connected them to J9 instead of J8 by fault.

It's more likely an additional wiring or soldering error.

Check especially the CORE:J8:DO->DOUT:J1:DO, CORE:J8:SC->DOUT:J1:SC and CORE:J8:RC->DOUT:J1:RC connections

If you don't find the error visually, but own a multimeter, the srio_interconnection test helps you to measure the voltage levels:

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Then i have verifie all my connections on DOUT. And i have find a strap non soldering oups.....

now all is working only the backlight of the LCD

How can i mesure voltage or test the LCD ? i have 5V behind pin 15 and pin 16 of the LCD

Just a picture of my project

and thanks for the helpers


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If the BC337 was dead then you wouldn't see 5v between the A and K of the backlight (which I think you said you have).

Are you SURE that you have it the right way round? pin 15 on the LCD is cathode (-) and pin 16 is anode (+) so they should go to B- and B+ on the CORE.

Another possibility is that the backlight has solder bridges that may not be linked, can you check continuity between pins 15/16 on the LCD and the actual connections to the backlight?

Looking at the datasheet, it is possible to switch the polarity with different bridges. Assuming you have the DEM 40271 SYH-LY, this might be your problem, take a look at: http://www.soselectronic.hu/a_info/resource/d/dem/dem40271sy-ly.pdf


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