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Some DIN inputs not working on my seq v4


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I've been building a Midibox Sequencer v4 bit by bit, and so far have

A finished core32 minus the power supply

2 DIN boards from SmashTV connected to the default buttons/encoders described in http://ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_v4_din.pdf

2 LCD screens

no SD card

no DOUT or LEDs

jumpers set for usb power and for 5V to DIN chain

I'm having trouble with some inputs, I've inspected all my joints and connections, swapped DIN boards and shift registers... still can't get everything to work

here is what is working and what isn't

Datawheel Works as expected

Scrub Works as expected

Metronome Works as expected

Stop Works as expected

Pause Works as expected

Play Works as expected

Rew Works as expected

Fwd Works as expected

F1 Works, but I can't seem to get back to the default screen

F2 Works as expected

F3 Works as expected

F4 Works as expected

Menu Works as expected

Select Works as expected

Exit Works as expected

Track 1 Works as expected

Track 2 Works as expected

Track 3 Works as expected

Track 4 Works as expected

Layer A Works as expected

Layer B No visible reaction

Layer C No visible reaction

Edit No visible reaction

Mute Works as expected, but the gp buttons don't work

Pattern No visible reaction

Song Works as expected

Solo No visible reaction

Fast No visible reaction

All No visible reaction

Encoder 1-8 Works as expected

GP Button 1-8 No visible reaction with menu or mute

Encoder 9-12 No visible reaction

also sometimes the lcd screen throws a few random characters after pressing some buttons.

There must be a short or something but I can't seem to find it. Could there be something wrong on the Core32 or in a place I haven't thought of yet?

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Hello Robotfunk,

I guess, the problem could be that you are powering your SEQ over USB.

If i remember right, there are some threads around here that recommend not to do so, but I could be wrong.

From the STM32CORE WIKI page:

At least 500 mA is recommented, especially if a backlit display is connected.

And on a SEQ you have two displays and a lot of LEDs......

Hope this could be a hint.

Best Regards


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Hello Robotfunk,

you wrote

no SD card

so I guess you have no custom MBSEQ_HW.V4 file configured to work with only 2DIN boards?

2 DIN boards from SmashTV connected to the default buttons/encoders described in http://ucapps.de/mid...bseq_v4_din.pdf

Does this mean that you connected DIN board one and two like shown in the shematic and just did not connect those buttons and encoders

that should be connected to the third board? These would not work of course, but I would not be surprised if it would also cause software problems if

you do not adapt the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file. But I do not know for sure, this is one for the experts.

Have you added the RC Termination?

Best Regards


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Yes, I only connected every default input on the first 2 DIN boards, as I don't have more (I have a few old one from Mike, I'll try and get one of those working..)

I tried to put a modified MBSEQ_HW.V4 file on the SD Card that moved some non working inputs to different shift registers but that didn't seem to get loaded (I was triggering the same functions as before). I can't 'format' the SD card in the Midibox yet because my GP1-8 buttons aren't working yet...

I tried the terminator but that didn't change anything either...

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OK, I got a tiny bit further with this.

Nils was so kind as to compile a very helpful oneliner of code which tests the DIN inputs, and managed to fix all SR's on both DIN boards.

Now it gets weirder..

All SR's on both DINs tested OK, all my encoder and button boards tested OK, but when I load the Seq V4 app, nothing on the second DIN board gets recognized. It does not matter in which order I put the DIN boards. I've checked the J1 and J2 connections to board (from pin to solder) and I've checked the cables. They all seem fine. I'm using the outermost 5 pins on each DIN board for interconnection, as suggested by many.

anyone have a clue what could be going on?

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YAY! Got it working :sorcerer:

ssp suggested I needed to use the INNER on J2 and the OUTER on J1

now all buttons and encoders on the first 2 DINS are working

yay I got a brand new toy :drool:

thanks everyone for helping out

This should really be stickied somewhere, or better yet rolled into the official docs. I had the same trouble with Smash's din boards. This issue is actually just the so/si pins, which are only functional in one row, while all others are functional in both rows. To make matters worse, I seem to remember that the orientation is exactly mirrored between the dout and din boards, I guess to correspond with the row orientation on j8/9 on the core module. It's super confusing.

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