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MidiBox FM and MBNet


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Would it be possible to build a multi core/opl3 MB-FM using a common contol surface using MBNet? I am thinking someting like MB6582 where you switch between the synth engines with a button. I am not sure if this is necessary, but when I listen to MB-FM examples I think I could use many channels and I guess it would be possible to make stereo patches too...

As far as I undertand there is no CAN interface on the PIC452 (that is used for the MB-FM application), but if PIC4685s are used? Are there pin conflicts? Would the programming effort be great? Would this at all be possible?

I know this question has been raised before, but I don't think it was throughly examined.

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It's very likely that MBFM V2 will run on a STM32F05 based core, and that it will provide a more modern sound engine + UI (e.g. with graphical LCD option, perhaps also with touchscreen)

It's likely that it will be controllable from the MBSID V3 CS and VST/AU

It's even likely that for an easy adaption the OPL3 will be controlled via PIC18F4685/CAN like the SIDs

It's unlikely that I will provide an option which doesn't rely on a STM32F105 based core.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It's very likely that MBFM V2 will run on a STM32F05 based core, and that it will provide a more modern sound engine + UI (e.g. with graphical LCD option, perhaps also with touchscreen)

It's likely that it will be controllable from the MBSID V3 CS and VST/AU

It's even likely that for an easy adaption the OPL3 will be controlled via PIC18F4685/CAN like the SIDs

It's unlikely that I will provide an option which doesn't rely on a STM32F105 based core.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Very interesting. I guess this is rather far off in the future. However, I guess an upgrade path from existing hardware similar to SeqV3->SeqV4 will be possible, so that I can build a single OPL3 FM and leave space for additional units in the case.

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The upgrade path is simple: build a MBFM w/o control surface (MBHP_CORE and MBHP_OPL3) only, and control it from the Java editor until the "remote access" solution is available.

You can already use a PIC18F4685 instead PIC18F452 with the existing firmware w/o changes.

Later two data lines to OPL3 (D2 and D3) have to be connected to some other IO pins, since RB2/RB3 will be allocated by CAN. But no other changes will be required (no additional devices, etc)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The upgrade path is simple: build a MBFM w/o control surface (MBHP_CORE and MBHP_OPL3) only, and control it from the Java editor until the "remote access" solution is available.

"the Java editor", is that JSynthLib? I downloaded the snapshot @ http://www.midibox.org/jsynthlib/JSynthLib-Snapshot-2006-01-28.jar.zip but it crashes on startup in OS X. Might work better in Windows.

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There is no STM32F105 derivative (which allows to use CAN and USB in parallel) with 512k flash available yet, therefore it can take a year until a complete solution is possible.

On the other hand I will be able to prepare the firmwares until then on a STM32F103, but either w/o USB or w/o CAN...

Java: yes, JSynthLib is incomaptible to the latest (buggy) Java changes done by Apple.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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There is no STM32F105 derivative (which allows to use CAN and USB in parallel) with 512k flash available yet, therefore it can take a year until a complete solution is possible.

On the other hand I will be able to prepare the firmwares until then on a STM32F103, but either w/o USB or w/o CAN...

Java: yes, JSynthLib is incomaptible to the latest (buggy) Java changes done by Apple.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Did my STM32 homework. Waiting for STM32F105RD... Midibox became high tech frontline!

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