Update: The box is now sold.
I have sold my MB6582 and thus have no use for my 1U rack mounted eight channel PSU/VCF/VCA expansion box.
It contains :
PSU: 230V input. Powers all Components in the box plus the MB6582 via a cable that fits the MB6582 power input connector.
DA-converters: Four nicely soldered AOUT_NG boards control the filters and VCAs. They are controlled from the MB6582 via the expansion port.
Analog filters: Four SSM2044 boards fitted with eight SSM2044 chips, relays and styroflex capacitors. Audio is fed into the filters from the MB6582 via audio jacks.
VCA: Two SSM2154 boards for amplitude control of all eight audio channels. VCF output is fed into VCA input.
I haven't used the box for a few years. Last time I used it everything worked well but because of all wiring, the box is sold as is. You should be able to trouble shoot if needed. I can guarantee that all boards are good though!
Based on historical prices for the individual boards, I am asking $800 / €700 plus shipping and if lack of interest I will sell individual parts of the build. Any suggestions are welcome.
All the best, Johan