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Hi * MIOS/Core8 asm Programmers,

well in some cases asm program code is not that transparent - even to the coder! ;-)

I just found a little NSD-editor. Maybe this little Tool is helpful for others two.


Structorizer is a NSD-editor which you can use to create Nassi-Schneiderman Diagrams (NSD).



Edited by lemonhorse
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  • 11 months later...

Just found another helper:

yEd is a freely available, general-purpose diagramming software with a multi-document interface. It is a cross-platform application written in Java that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS, or any platform that supports the JVM. yEd can be used to draw different kinds of diagrams: flowcharts, network diagrams, UML diagrams, BPMN diagrams, mind maps, organization charts, Entity Relationship diagrams, and many other.


Edited by lemonhorse
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