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How to get PCBs and parts in Argentina and other LC-related question

Juan Ignacio

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Very nice work! Congratulations!!

I have a question about make a midibox.. im not a specialist on electronic, neither much less, i have only some ideas about electricity, ohm´s law, impedances, soldering, some Calculations... and only a few things more.. ex.: i dont have idea how to print the pcb..

Do all of you recommend me make a midibox lc? or is VERY hard to make it? only 8 or 16 channels i think..

What do you think? What i must do before?


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i dont have idea how to print the pcb..

You can buy the PCB's and Kits you don't need to print them.

What i must do before?
Try reading all the Midibox documentation http://www.ucapps.de/index.htm and doing a search on the forum for any answers you need. before asking questions .... That would be a good start.

It's also considered to be good manners not to hijack somebody elses thread with noob questions, especially when they've been answered so many times before and could have been answered for you by a search or by doing that old fashioned reading thing!.

Best Regards,

Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

Edited by Fozzy The Bear
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Ok thanks for the bad vibrations Fozzy The Bear..

I knew all that you´ve said about pcb because i´ve read the forum, but im in Argentina and here is difficult to buy things from there and here is very expensive to buy it the pcb.. and all about pcb that i´ve said, was an information about my knowledge not to "hijack" you..

Sorry if i bother all of you it was not my intention. My purpose was to learn from who have experience and Protosx´s midibox is great like i´ve said.

Thanks Fozzy The Bear i´ll not bother you in the future.


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Whee, Juan, welcome aboard!

Calm down a bit, Fozzy wasn't attacking you he just kindly pointed out that hijacking isn't the coolest thing to do, and he did so after he answered your question. From your question it was neither obvious that you read anything nor that you live in Argentina and have difficulties getting the parts. Fozzy answered your question as correctly and nicely as possible with the given information.

I took the liberty to split off this part of the thread.

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Fozzy answered your question as correctly and nicely as possible with the given information.

Thnx nILS, maybe was my mistake.. im with a translator (google) all time to translate some words and it can be the problem..

There was a post that were talking about buy pieces, etc in Argentina Thread, but i only want to know if im "prepared" to make a midibox... or i´ve to be an engeneer or something like that to do it..

Some of my questions are:

- Im qualified to do it? (im not a specialist on electronic, neither much less, i have only some ideas about electricity, ohm´s law, impedances, soldering, some Calculations of resistances, capacitors and inductors... and only a few things more)

- Can i make it not with PCB? i refer to do it with some plates like 8x8 20x20, i dont know how do you call it..

- Can i use a midi-usb converter to connect to de PC?

Is late here, tomorrow be another day...

Goodbye, Thanks and Sorry by my mistake..

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1) If you can solder (if you can't it's easy to learn), are willing to spend lotsa time reading, you are qualified.

2) Yes, you can build everything without premade PCBs. You can use veroboard/stripboard/etch at home... That is cheaper but a lot more work and a lot more error prone.

3) Yes, a lot usb midi devices will work. Check the blacklist on the WIKI to see which ones are known to not work, so you can avoid those.

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