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Drum sequencer + modules


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I'm currently thinking that it would be nice to have the drum sequencer from the MB808

plus a bus board to support drum modules.

It could e.g. be Eurorack compatible which would have the following benefits:

- there are already many Eurorack modules from Analogue Solutions and MFB which could be used

- it is an existing standard (+/- 12V, +5V, CV/Gate on the bus)

The standard could be modified a bit so that the CV and Gate bus are used for trigger and CV signals for the

specific modules although currently no drum module supports that. It would mean something like a pre-patching.

In this case the PCB has to include a bus board which carries the different triggers/CVs to the connectors.

The sequencer would be at the bottom, the modules in the middle and trigger outputs at the top for those modules

without Gate access from the bus. The housing would be then be a desktop case. Maybe with optional rack ears.

Is someone interested in something like this? My main problem is that I'm not able to design such a desktop case.

Edited by sonicwarrior
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I just asked for the interest in this. Changed the question a bit (and added 'someone') to make this more clear.

Is someone interested in something like this?

Did I put this in the wrong sub forum?

If there is interest, I would do this:

- Design a pcb or two

- Buy a prototype board

- Stuff it and test it

- Make a groupbuy for the PCB and eventually the desktop case + frontpanel

I would need (for the desktop case):

- Someone who is able to help with the housing

If there is no interest I think I'll sell my Papareil DS8 PCBs and make my 909 BD PCB standalone without a dedicated sequencer.

My motivation to do this whole project only for myself is very low.

It looks like the MB808 standalone sequencer PCB project is still alive so the third option is to simply use this PCB

if it will be finished. It lacks the bus board + trigger routing option but obviously this can easily be made on Vero board or something like this.

Edited by sonicwarrior
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