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Inaugral MIDIbox idiot of the year


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Just tought I would share an experiance with you all.

I made some PCB's a few months ago (not just on or two PCB's, half a square meter worth of various modules). I did this because I figured that if I'm going to make 1, I might as well make LOTS to save the effort in the future.

So I etched all these boards.I had not used any because I wanted to get through the last lot with I had made for me, until few days ago  when I decided to build a few core modules. So I set about drilling the PCB's, soldering the components. Last night I went to test them, All voltages were fine. I plugged a PIC with the bootstrap loader burnt into each one, Started up MIDI-OX to upload MIOS and NONE of them sent out the "Ready to recive" Sys-ex message. This didn't concern my too much at the start. I thought I must have made an error with the MIDI I/O wiring. I then checked the wiring, and it was fine. After several hours of trying to figure out what the hell was going on I compared My PCB's with the Eagel layout. I had found the problem. For some reason when I printed out ALL the PCB artwork I decided to mirror the image. Now I have lots of PCB's where the only way I can use them is by soldering ALL the IC's directly to the track side of the board.

It's times like now I realise how such a small error can have huge a impact.

Word from the wise, don't make the same mistake I did if you are going to make your own boards. Better yet, them pre-made.


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Hey Rowan,

 don't throw them away!!

 just be patient, and solder on the other side... you will need a really fine tip to get between the ic sockets and the PCB though! (I'm sure you will manage)

 I'd hate to see all that work go to waste!!

 After all the work, yes it isn't really worth making your own unless you can't get them anywhere else!!  I will be ordering all my future MBHP boards!!

 good luck, and if you don't want your boards, then I'm sure someone else will have them!!

bye, from Steve

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Just Uploaded MIOS to one of the cores. It was a little tricky to get the iron between the pins, but hey take less time than starting from scratch.

It looks quite cool with the IC's on one side and the passives etc on the other. It gives you a lot more room to move when it comes to soldering the SIL's etc. I could also mount the crystal on the non track side too.

In hindsight It could have advantages.

One happy camper


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My first ever midibox went like this...

I was too lazy to drill the holes, so I drew the layout of midibox 8, with another board for the 16 pot extension, using an 'etch resist pen' after I bent the IC pins out flat, and traced around them with a pencil, then I soldered all the components onto the copper side!! Talk about butchery! Maybe you could try flattening out the pins like this, Rowan, and not drill the holes...

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