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How to see if CORE works with midibox16E Firmware


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Is there an easy way to test the core with the Midibox16E firmware running on a PIC16F877A ?

Is it possible to test the core with a del ?

I have tried the Test_TX firmware and had no luck so I'd like to try the real firmware.



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If this power supply is for the core (?) then it should be fine, as long as you have installed the bridge rectifier.

What is a del?

Have you read the recent posts on solutions to programming the pic16877A?

If you still have problems, then I can program the firmware for you. I have a spare pic16f877, so I can program it, post it to you, and you can swap me your pic16f877A (saves time, you sending to me and then back again ;))

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Oups :)  A del is a LED in french :)  Got mixed up

Thanks for the offer, i'll troubleshoot some more but if nothing works i'll send you a pic with the Encoder package.

The strange thing is that the programmation goes fine.  It verifies ok.  I can then remove the PIC and put it back again, do a read all and the program code is intact....  

This gives me the impression the PIC is programmed correctly....  The crystal is good also, 20.000 Mhz with 18 pf capacitance, parrallel....   I really have no clue :(

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You could manually trigger MIDI events by using a cable, connected to ground, and tapping it to the DIN chain input. However, if the Tx firmware doesn't work, the MB16E won't work, too -> Hardware issue

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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