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Hi, first post, first time etc etc Hello :)

Im planning to put my hand to making a SEQ v4, I have no electronics experience past pulling things apart as a child.. but i am not deterred, having read round your website, forum and wiki i recon even though I’m still not sure I’ll figure it out!

anyway, keeping in mind i know nothing:

I have an old studiomaster 8/10in-4out channel analoguemixer with built in DSP.

firstly, I was wondering if i could keep costs down by using the rotary parts and buttons from this mixer in the SEQ v4? (are they encoders?)

My other ambitious idea, and clueless wonder, was is it possible to convert a analogue mixer into a midi-controller? I was wondering if you could do it in a way that would keep it’s usefulness as a analogue desk for sound live production, and have it as a midi controller?

I want it to be able to control the virtual mixer in Mac’s Logic 9 (midi), act as an USB interface to input instruments to logic, AND still output to Front of house and monitors all from same desk. Would make live recording alot easier, and turn my mac into a digital desk!

Is this actually viable or am I mad?

Much love

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Hi and welcome aboard,

analogue mixers use potentiometers, not encoders, so i would not recommend to rip it apart but to build a wilba-style mbseq as many did in this forum. Just look around and have fun :)

Regarding the midi controller - i´d recommend to do one thing at a time... a mbseq is totally awesome and cannot be bought, whereas you can buy relatively nice midi controllers out there... so my direction would be clear :)

Have fun!



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Ahh, thank you, I shall keep my mixer in one piece!

Yeah, the seq is what i’ve been looking for, I’ve searched for midi arpeggiators in the past only to find they were the rage in the 80’s but were unreliable, best one I saw was a MAM-MAP1, I tried to track one down, emailed the german company that produced them, turns out they’ve got none left but plan to re-release it with a new box later this year! The mbseq is a god send.. I think i’ll try to make the 16x16 too :)

I’m taking it one step at a time, dont worry, my mixer dreams will remain dreams for a good while!


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