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Scan matrix Update


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Over the last several years, several members have embarked on projects to develop working matrices of different configurations, namely; TK, QBAS, jim Henry, Robin Fawell, and others.

Would those listed plus anybody else please reply to this post with updates to include, code updates, links to webpages with results of tests or working setups, experiences, etc.

TK - has anyone tested your last scan 8x8 matrix example as you requested some time ago.

Robin - per out private emails, you have made progress many would appreciate.

Personally, I am sitting on a three manual keyboard stack built by Savile organs that formally operated with a very early matrix design. each keyboard includes diodes and is partially matrixed. i know that midio 128 will do the job, but is that the most efficient way to go?

Thanks to all!


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Would those listed plus anybody else please reply to this post with updates to include, code updates, links to webpages with results of tests or working setups, experiences, etc.

Hi, I think I have good news. I have achieved a 64x4 matrix scan using the dio128, it also gives you the normal 128 outputs and 8 analog in's. I am using the Acont pins to mux the keyboard buss's and 2 dinx4 modules wired across the keys. Each matrix level outputs on the next channel up. I plan on publishing the project in the next few days.

Hopefully that will help,


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Hi, I think I have good news. I have achieved a 64x4 matrix scan using the dio128, it also gives you the normal 128 outputs and 8 analog in's. I am using the Acont pins to mux the keyboard buss's and 2 dinx4 modules wired across the keys. Each matrix level outputs on the next channel up. I plan on publishing the project in the next few days.

Hopefully that will help,




I'm anxions to see what you have worked out.

I presume that since it is midio 128, you still have use of the .ini file?


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I'm anxions to see what you have worked out.

I presume that since it is midio 128, you still have use of the .ini file?


No, Sorry it's on the example application in C so no ini file, just straight mapping key1=0, key2=1, etc. An offset would be easy to add though. Each keyboard outputs on a different midi channel. At this point it can scan 4 keyboards (3 keyboards + Pedals) in 8ms which might leave for to much latency for some but I could let you try it if you like. Going to port it to the mios32 platform from here, I have to get it up to 10us per keyboard in order to match the scanning of my organ and make it work in tandem.

Did you see my SAMS project in the other thread? I am wiring it in now and it is working great!


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No, Sorry it's on the example application in C so no ini file, just straight mapping key1=0, key2=1, etc. An offset would be easy to add though. Each keyboard outputs on a different midi channel. At this point it can scan 4 keyboards (3 keyboards + Pedals) in 8ms which might leave for to much latency for some but I could let you try it if you like. Going to port it to the mios32 platform from here, I have to get it up to 10us per keyboard in order to match the scanning of my organ and make it work in tandem.

Did you see my SAMS project in the other thread? I am wiring it in now and it is working great!



yes I downloaded it a few minutes ago. I have been able to get the SAMS console working in jOrgan ver.12.2, but will take a look at your solution as well.

As for the scan matrix, I have a Savile 3 manual keyboard that is partially setup for matrixes, including diodes. I will need to cover the 3 manuals as well as pedal, pistons, stops, swell.

Can the matrix driver be run under mios 8? I have 4 older cores with the 18F pic available running mios8. 8ms seems to be slow. Correct me if i am wrong, but TK's 8x8 is supposed to run in 1ms.


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yes I downloaded it a few minutes ago. I have been able to get the SAMS console working in jOrgan ver.12.2, but will take a look at your solution as well.

As for the scan matrix, I have a Savile 3 manual keyboard that is partially setup for matrixes, including diodes. I will need to cover the 3 manuals as well as pedal, pistons, stops, swell.

Can the matrix driver be run under mios 8? I have 4 older cores with the 18F pic available running mios8. 8ms seems to be slow. Correct me if i am wrong, but TK's 8x8 is supposed to run in 1ms.


Yes, the version I have now runs on mios8, each keyboard is scanned in 1ms but I need a deadband between scans which is also 1ms (at present). I think it can be rewritten so it would not need that deadband if I quite using the toggle routine but when I figured out it was 100 times slower then what I needed it put the breaks on the rewrite and mios8. You will have to use a 2nd core for the SAM system but there are 8 analogs on both programs for pots.

I don't see it doing all 4 manuals in less then 4ms unless TK can show how to speed up the SIO updates, My ASM is limited in that respect.

The hookup is to scan the whole keyboard at once with 2 DINx4 boards rigged with pulldown resistors, then the bussbars are driven with a positive pulse.


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Don't quite understand the following where you said:

"The hookup is to scan the whole keyboard at once with 2 DINx4 boards rigged with pulldown resistors, then the bussbars are driven with a positive pulse."

So it takes 2 DIN boards (64 inputs). Do the positive pulses come from DOUTS? How many?

So it is an 8x32 matrix?

My keyboards have pc boards attached with diodes, all pre wired in an 8x8 matrix - 16 wires each board 8 in and 8 out. How could thie interface with the core etc. See attached pic.


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Don't quite understand the following where you said:

"The hookup is to scan the whole keyboard at once with 2 DINx4 boards rigged with pulldown resistors, then the bussbars are driven with a positive pulse."

So it takes 2 DIN boards (64 inputs). Do the positive pulses come from DOUTS? How many?

So it is an 8x32 matrix?

My keyboards have pc boards attached with diodes, all pre wired in an 8x8 matrix - 16 wires each board 8 in and 8 out. How could thie interface with the core etc. See attached pic.


Sorry, can't get the pic to upload

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Mine is 64x4 with the 4 being the Amux pins on the core so you would have to rewire to make it work. I just found the BLM-Scanner TK did and it does 8x8 x4 (4 separate 8x8 matrix's) which is exactly what you need, it will take some tweaking but looks like it could work for you.


Good luck!


Edited by jmayes
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  • 4 weeks later...


I read over the BLM threads, etc. and really don't understand what I am reading. I have no interest in led, or the switch box, just some specifics about using an 8x8x1 on each of my keyboards, or an 8x8x4 on all four. each of the keyboards has a full length pc board with diodes in place and 16 wires hanging out. Each keyboard is already setup in a matrix. the 16 wires are 8 on rows, 8 on columns. Probably 4 cores with DIN/DOUT, each running the 8x8 example from tk would work, but 1 core with DIN/DOUTs would also work. TK had some pictures posted with a similarly constructed KB and a small PC board for Dout/Din. That would work for me also, but thread seems to have run out.I will be happy to set up a working model of an 8x8x4 if code for same is available.


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