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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. i would use two encoders (first one for param, the second one for value) and a 7 segments LED display
  2. regarde du coté de la midibox MB_LC (pour Logic control) sur le site ucapps (en anglais et meme en FR)
  3. I Am digging one or two PCB-chipset sets. Thanks :)
  4. if you want to really and only control Oberheim Matrix, you MUST build a matrix controller and not a generic one. definitly a great tool that helps me regularly to create new patch
  5. Hi Thorsten :) thanks a lot for your answer. Yes i contacted him and he gave me the xml structure presented in the first post.
  6. Dear programmers I discovered some months ago this now amazing AU plug in mimicing the Roland Juno 60 : http://kunz.corrupt.ch/products/tal-u-no-lx I do not have a Juno 60, but a 106, and i tried some patch on both Juno and the plug in, and the result is amazing ! it does well the job ! moreover i A/B tested the chorus versus a real Juno hardware chorus, and it sounds exactly the same ! But back to my question : i would like to convert my Juno 106 sysex patch into xml files used by the plug. How can i do ? the juno uses 24 bytes sysex message and the structure of the plug setting is the following : TAL Preset: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tal curprogram="55" version="1"> <midimap> <map param="14" controllernumber="1"/> </midimap> <programs> <program programname="Startup" category="Lead" dcolfovalue="0" dcopwmvalue="0" dcopwmmode="1" dcopulseenabled="0" dcosawenabled="0" dcosuboscenabled="0" dcosuboscvolume="1" dconoisevolume="0" hpfvalue="0" filtercutoff="0.328000009" filterresonance="1" filterenvelopemode="1" filterenvelopevalue="0" filtermodulationvalue="0" filterkeyboardvalue="1" volume="0.548000038" masterfinetune="0.5" octavetranspose="0.5" vcamode="0" adsrattack="0" adsrdecay="0.568000019" adsrsustain="0" adsrrelease="0.444000036" lforate="0.604000032" lfodelaytime="0" lfotriggermode="1" lfowaveform="0" chorus1enable="0" chorus2enable="0" controlvelocityvolume="0" controlvelocityenvelope="0" controlbenderfilter="0" controlbenderdco="0" portamentointensity="0" portamentomode="0" arpenabled="0" arpsyncenabled="0" arpmode="0" arprange="0" arprate="0" voicehold="0" miditriggerarp16sync="0" midiclocksync="0" hostsync="0" maxpoly="0.454545468" keytranspose="0.5" lfomanualtriggerenabled="0"/> </programs> </tal> the idea is to read the sysex and replace each number in " " by one byte and save the result as a file with an extension. i can code stuff for MIOS but i am rather newbie on computer. I must work on Mac.
  7. it does, but the code needs extra sysex if i will remember. my last code includes the M6 feature. now my opinion : editing the Matrix is OK, but automation can't be used in any DAW as the Matrix CPU is definitly too slow to avoid jitter effect. for example a filter sweep is awful. so considering the time to build it, it is finally more easier to simply use a software control like M1000-X.
  8. http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F028_osc%2F
  9. if you got the right MIOS bootloader and can uplaod Mios, there is an app in the download section to change the ID. i used this method to build the MB6582. Moreover, check you ve got the right bootloader for your PIC as it has changed 2 years ago, and was different from all the PICs i've seen coming from smash TV shop (but they were bought maybe 7 years ago)
  10. thanks fairlight, yes i've seen those, but the price for the EL foil is definitly a steal. My LCD is working, but i can't easily read what's written on without a BL. Moreover i would like to avoid the necessary cutting of PCB, drilling the case, etc. So I am also looking for cheap EL foil replacemnt part ^^
  11. I am looking for an old but NOS and/or working LCD 2x40 characters, HD44780 compliant to replace a dead one in a Roland D550. That MUST be slim cause the old one had a total thickness of 9mm (for example, the actual LCDs on ebay are 14mm) It must have a backlight, a led backlight. no preference on colour. Thanks for your proposals :)
  12. Ohh Yeahh :zorro: congrates man !!! time to design a PCB and a batch ^^
  13. all is in the title : i need a bar PCB with the xtal and the 3,3V regulator, that's all ^^ it will be included in a synth and do processing task preference to France for low shipping fees
  14. I am on 10.5.8 on my mac and the last MIOS Studio version is only working with 10.6 or more i am looking for a binary ready to go ; moreover i can't recompile as I have an old SDK i created the topic title for the future ;)
  15. could you please connect the DIN Midi in out 1 and 2 and tell us if that works ?
  16. yes i forgot to mention the necessary unplug/plug (and even cleaning in Audio Midi setup on mac os X) Great !!!! :) notice that my app needs 3 ms to perform a task whereas at your side it takes 1ms ^^
  17. upload the hex selecting MIOS31 port1 In MIOS Studio, then you will change the output port to port2 : if you play some notes on the keyboard, you will see them as data in the Midi out window and at the same time (just 1 or 2 ms of difference) in the Midi In window. then invert the stuff : you output from port1 and receive on port 2 what does the app ? it forwards midi messages from USB0 to USB1 and messages from USB1 to USB0 notice than changing the port will cause a error message : that's normal as the communicating port with mios studio is Port1
  18. you've got 64MB of RAM !!!!! that's huge !!! i've changed a litlle the test program, try this and tell me if it works (yes i am very interested by your board ^^ ) 001_forwarding_midi.zip
  19. ask access to SVN and check. or just copy from webaccess, but you will have to compile OR you can test this app (upload .hex) that i just edited below what goes on USB0 returns on USB1 and vice versa (2 midi pipelines in USB ;) )
  20. you send me your board, i send you my midibox Stm32 core module, ready to go (i need a smaller board to fit inside a Roland Juno) ; and i can resale you a DIN module. to test your "core" check SVN : mbhp_core_stm32_module_scan folder benchmark folder mios 32 test folder tutorials/forwarding event (send on usb0 and get response on USB1 for example)
  21. par moi avec mes mains et le programmeur du site
  22. are you interested by an exchange against à midibox STM32 core module ? i am looking for a minimalistic PCB. But i 1st want you to run bootloader ^^ i think you should change the XTAL
  23. heyy !!! thanks for the tip, i did not know that ! :)
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