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julienvoirin last won the day on October 15 2016

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About julienvoirin

  • Birthday 04/30/1980

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    France Paris-Belfort

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  1. i would use two encoders (first one for param, the second one for value) and a 7 segments LED display
  2. regarde du coté de la midibox MB_LC (pour Logic control) sur le site ucapps (en anglais et meme en FR)
  3. I Am digging one or two PCB-chipset sets. Thanks :)
  4. if you want to really and only control Oberheim Matrix, you MUST build a matrix controller and not a generic one. definitly a great tool that helps me regularly to create new patch
  5. Hi Thorsten :) thanks a lot for your answer. Yes i contacted him and he gave me the xml structure presented in the first post.
  6. Dear programmers I discovered some months ago this now amazing AU plug in mimicing the Roland Juno 60 : http://kunz.corrupt.ch/products/tal-u-no-lx I do not have a Juno 60, but a 106, and i tried some patch on both Juno and the plug in, and the result is amazing ! it does well the job ! moreover i A/B tested the chorus versus a real Juno hardware chorus, and it sounds exactly the same ! But back to my question : i would like to convert my Juno 106 sysex patch into xml files used by the plug. How can i do ? the juno uses 24 bytes sysex message and the structure of the plug setting is the following : TAL Preset: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tal curprogram="55" version="1"> <midimap> <map param="14" controllernumber="1"/> </midimap> <programs> <program programname="Startup" category="Lead" dcolfovalue="0" dcopwmvalue="0" dcopwmmode="1" dcopulseenabled="0" dcosawenabled="0" dcosuboscenabled="0" dcosuboscvolume="1" dconoisevolume="0" hpfvalue="0" filtercutoff="0.328000009" filterresonance="1" filterenvelopemode="1" filterenvelopevalue="0" filtermodulationvalue="0" filterkeyboardvalue="1" volume="0.548000038" masterfinetune="0.5" octavetranspose="0.5" vcamode="0" adsrattack="0" adsrdecay="0.568000019" adsrsustain="0" adsrrelease="0.444000036" lforate="0.604000032" lfodelaytime="0" lfotriggermode="1" lfowaveform="0" chorus1enable="0" chorus2enable="0" controlvelocityvolume="0" controlvelocityenvelope="0" controlbenderfilter="0" controlbenderdco="0" portamentointensity="0" portamentomode="0" arpenabled="0" arpsyncenabled="0" arpmode="0" arprange="0" arprate="0" voicehold="0" miditriggerarp16sync="0" midiclocksync="0" hostsync="0" maxpoly="0.454545468" keytranspose="0.5" lfomanualtriggerenabled="0"/> </programs> </tal> the idea is to read the sysex and replace each number in " " by one byte and save the result as a file with an extension. i can code stuff for MIOS but i am rather newbie on computer. I must work on Mac.
  7. it does, but the code needs extra sysex if i will remember. my last code includes the M6 feature. now my opinion : editing the Matrix is OK, but automation can't be used in any DAW as the Matrix CPU is definitly too slow to avoid jitter effect. for example a filter sweep is awful. so considering the time to build it, it is finally more easier to simply use a software control like M1000-X.
  8. http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F028_osc%2F
  9. if you got the right MIOS bootloader and can uplaod Mios, there is an app in the download section to change the ID. i used this method to build the MB6582. Moreover, check you ve got the right bootloader for your PIC as it has changed 2 years ago, and was different from all the PICs i've seen coming from smash TV shop (but they were bought maybe 7 years ago)
  10. thanks fairlight, yes i've seen those, but the price for the EL foil is definitly a steal. My LCD is working, but i can't easily read what's written on without a BL. Moreover i would like to avoid the necessary cutting of PCB, drilling the case, etc. So I am also looking for cheap EL foil replacemnt part ^^
  11. I am looking for an old but NOS and/or working LCD 2x40 characters, HD44780 compliant to replace a dead one in a Roland D550. That MUST be slim cause the old one had a total thickness of 9mm (for example, the actual LCDs on ebay are 14mm) It must have a backlight, a led backlight. no preference on colour. Thanks for your proposals :)
  12. Ohh Yeahh :zorro: congrates man !!! time to design a PCB and a batch ^^
  13. all is in the title : i need a bar PCB with the xtal and the 3,3V regulator, that's all ^^ it will be included in a synth and do processing task preference to France for low shipping fees
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