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Hi! Just wanted to show an MB design i'm planning. If it seems reasonable /if it sucks, feel free to be honest.


Here's a HiRes version: www.johanolsson.net/midibox/mb_big.jpg

This design incorporates:

- 5 sliders, 16 pots, 16 buttons, a 16x4 LCD, weird 1970's style buttons :-)

- (1) 3 pots with a switch that shuts off the pot signal (so that the pot sends a zero value)

- (2) A "Tower hat" from a crappy joystick that i cannibalised, connected to the DINX. Could be useful for triggering drumsounds really fast

- (3) One slider and one pot shares the same AIN channel, switchable by a 2-way switch. Makes it possible to change between two values quickly. The slider can be routed to its own channel.

- Custombuilt metal chassis with wodden end cheeks (My neighbour has a metal shop, my dad's a carpenter... :-)

- I'm going to route the DINX's chaining port (J2) to a 9pin D-SUB, for future addons with their own DIN module. The D-SUB also carries 3 inputs from the Midibox's own DINX.

Sorry for the messy frontdesign, it's under construction...

So, what do you think? Did I miss something really obvious? Does the design seem any good? Hit me with it!


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Hey that is a great design! The only thing I might say is to consider using encoders instead of the pots - except the one that is shared with the fader. This way when you change to a new preset, your values won't jump. Also, the lcd looks too small to me for a 16x4 it looks like you have space for a 16x2. I like your idea for the switch to change between the fader and pot. I did the same thing on my first mid box, and it worked pretty darn well. Great job!


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That is one of the hottest designs i've seen in a while!

Actually i've yet to see a rubbish design from anyone on here!

I really love the colours and lines/shapes used looks retro, but still modern :).. modern-retro if you will ;D

Kinda reminds me of an Access Virus B :) don't know why..

You're very lucky that you know both a carpenter AND a metal worker!

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thanks, it's a little luck... plus i come from the countryside, everybody's your neighbour out there =)

This design is a mix between modern design and 70's retro design. I found this page about old handheld games that has been a big inspiration for my MB: http://users2.ev1.net/~rik1138/Bandai/index.html

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got them from BHIAB (http://www.bhiab.se, only in swedish i'm afraid) in Sweden. You'll find them under Surplus komponenter and they are called Tangent 6400. They cost 4 kronor without VAT (One Euro is about 9 Swedish Kronor), so the're really cheap, but seems sturdy and well-built. Good "click-feeling".  

If specified, they can be ordered with numbers (0-9)printed on them.

Trivia: I beleive it's the same keys that is used on the Sinclair QL computer: (http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair/computers/ql/ql.htm)

Happy hunting /J

ps: here is my latest redesign of the Midibox above: http://www.johanolsson.net/midibox/mb_p_01.jpg

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