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Done With my m64!!!!


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Hi there!

Just finished my M64, now Im back to the life again!! ;D

Just a few questions:

1:I got 20 button (exept the menu button)

only 16 of the working(sending midi and so on)

2:When I got that thing can I assign the leds to it??

3:Does any one know how to send midi event from Logic 5.2 softsynth like es2 and so on...

4:Ok, if I cant do that how can I get the midi number from all the events??



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Hi Christoffer,

to 1) thats ok, currently the 16 last buttons are disabled by default due to compatibility reasons with the old design. I will change it in one of the next releases. Just assign a MIDI event to the buttons with the MIDI Learn function.

to 2) yes, the 32 LEDs are automatically assigned to the 32 last buttons

to 3/4) I will check it

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Christoffer,

here some instructions from the Logic Changelog:

External MIDI Control using the Transformer object (Logic Platinum, Logic Gold only)

It is now possible to integrate external MIDI controller (Modulation Wheel etc.) into Logic's automation system and record external MIDI information as Track Automation data.

This can be done with the Transformer environment object and a new mode in the Transformer window: "Track Automation Splitter (true -> top cable)". If the condition matches, incoming events will be sent to the top cable of the Transformer. All remaining MIDI events are passed to the cables below the top cable.

Making use of this facility automation data is passed to the object connected to the top cable of the transformer.

With the appropriate "Operation" field settings incoming MIDI data is transformed into Fader event data allowing the automation of any possible parameter of the connected mixer object. Exception: Channel volume and channel pan uses Control events.

You will need one Transformer object for each mixer object you wish to address and automate.

Example: Control and automate the ESP filter cutoff using an external modulation wheel (CC#1)

Minimal environment setup: In the Logic Environment create a Transformer object with "New > Transformer". Connect the "Physical Input" with the Transformer object. Connect the top output cable of the transformer to an instrument channel object with the ESP-Synthesizer inserted in the instrument slot. Connect the second output of the Transformer to the "Recording & Throu(gh)" object (sequencer input). Open the transformer parameter box by double clicking the transformer object. In the flip menu select "Track Automation Splitter" as the transformer mode. As the input condition set: | Status: Control | Cha: All | -1-: 1 |. As the output operation set the event type to: | Status: Fader | Cha: 2 | -1-: 7 |.

In this setup the modulation wheel will control the ESP filter cutoff of the respective instrument. Modulation Wheel movements can be automated using the usual automation modes (read, write, touch, latch).

And here an example:


I used the ESP. When you go into the "controller" view (like shown here), you will see all available parameters. The parameter position correspond to the Fader event number - 1 (7 -> CutOff)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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