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Best IDE for compiling.


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Hi fellows

can anyone tell what is the best IDE for compiling the code I have attached to this message?

This is the code I have downloaded from midibox website. I've already tried MPlab IDE and Mpasm and Mplinker but seems that they are not proper tool suits for this project.

So far I know that I have to use SDCC and GPUTILS together because this project has a USB descriptor written in C language "usbdsc.c". I have downloaded the toolchains , Notepad++ and Piklab IDEs but I don't know which IDE should I use and HOW??!!! To be honest, I could not figure it out after 7 days of struggling!!!!

I appreciate any help.


Ciro Code.zip

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Moved to the "C" forum.

The wiki page for the toolchain setup explains how to compile. You've downloaded a bunch of tools. Not an IDE (== integrated development environment). So with the tools you have now, you'll have to edit your code with Notepad++, fire up the command prompt and compile it from there. "cd" to the directory that has your code in it, type "make" and if you've setup everything according to the wiki, that'll already do.

If you'd prefer an IDE search the wiki for Code::Blocks or Eclipse.

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