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Core8 won't stop outputting MIDI messages


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Hello, I'm new round here and having trouble with my MIOS8 board.

I built the board with PIC18F4620 from SmashTV, connected an LCD, and uploaded the LCD Benchmark app from trunk/apps/misc just to try uploading something that would simultaneously test the board and display. In my excitement, I forgot to look at the asm file and make any edits, so I compiled it as-is. It actually worked, the upload was successful and the benchmark program ran ok - I could see it running on the LCD. When the benchmark had finished, I power-cycled the core. Now it just spits out huge amounts of data to the MIDI o/p as soon as I power up, and nothing appears on the LCD.

The rate of the data being produced seems to increase the longer it's left on, and there doesn't seem to be any time immediately after power-on when it isn't spitting out data, and as such MIOS Studio reports that it gets no response from the core, and I am unable to upload any other firmware.

I suspect I've messed something up by compiling the code without editing the asm first, but I'm not sure. I'm a total n00b to microcontrollers and code.

The Core32 has a jumper that puts the core into boot mode before running anything. Is there some way to perform this on the Core8?

I managed to temporarily stop the data stream by shorting pin1 of the PIC to Ov, but as soon as I break that connection, the data starts up again.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! I did all this late last night (probably a mistake) and will be back to troubleshooting as soon as i get home from work this evening!

My setup, fwiw:

M-Audio Midisport 2x2.

Windows 7 x64 for MIOS studio.

Compiling on linux.

Thank you,


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I think I've fixed it... I'm using a cheap, unregulated psu, and it just wasn't delivering the correct voltage under load. Not sure why it worked initially, but I simply increased the voltage and now everything seems to be in order - the benchmark app is busy marking benches as I type. Think I'm gonna need a heatsink for the 7805 though.

Now onto more exciting testing as i hook up some switches and LEDs...

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