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How to specify the pattern to edit?


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I'm not understanding how the seq works regarding tracks, groups, patterns, and songs. Hopefully someone can set me straight. I have read (as well as read the manual, watched videos, searched the forum, wasted hours fiddling, etc.) but I'm still stuck.

I'm basically trying to start by making a simple song. So I fire up the seq, create a new session, go to the edit screen for group 1 track 1, and get some notes playing on an outboard synth. So far so good.

Next I want to copy my synth line and make a variation. I think I need to copy the track, select a different pattern, and then paste the copied track into the new pattern and edit away, but I don't see how to select different patterns. How do I specify which pattern I want to edit? How do I know which pattern I'm editing? Do I need to be in song mode or phrase mode when creating patterns?

I tried doing copy, then going to the pattern screen and switching group 1 from 1:A1 to 1:A2 and then doing paste, but that doesn't seem to do what I want either.

Anyway, once I have multiple patterns defined, I believe I need to go to the song screen, and select song mode, and select the pattern I want for each step in the song. This part looks straightforward.

So I've been looking all through the pattern menu, save menu, and song menu, but I just can't seem to sort this out. What am I missing here?

But even without being able to create more than a single pattern, the seq has been super fun. An incredible design. Hats off to TK and the others that made this happen.



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Instead of copy&pasting the pattern, you could also go to the SAVE page (press MENU+GP#14), and store the current pattern to a new location.

In this page, use GP#1 encoder to select the group (resp. one of 4 patterns that are currently running), and GP#7 encoder to select the pattern slot (A1..H8). (*)

Press SAVE (GP#8 button) -> give the pattern a name -> done

Pattern selection: go to the pattern menu.

Now you can change the pattern of the 4 groups directly with GP#4, GP#8, GP#12, GP#16 encoders.

You can also use the GP buttons to change the pattern of the selected group, use GP#1..GP#8 to select A..H (this won't lead to a change, but preselect the pattern set), and then GP#9..16 to select 1..8

Once you've entered the pattern number, the pattern will either change immediately, or synched to the measure depending on the selection that you made in the options page.

I tried doing copy, then going to the pattern screen and switching group 1 from 1:A1 to 1:A2 and then doing paste, but that doesn't seem to do what I want either.

The copy function either copies the steps only, or all steps + parameters. This can be configured in the options page.

But for a 1:1 copy, just use the SAVE function.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

(*) The pattern bank can be changed with GP#6, but it's recommended to let it assigned to the group. Means: G1 should use Bank1, G2 should use Bank2, etc...

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Thanks for clarifying the intended workflow TK. That helps a lot!

I was playing with the seq some more and another thing that I think I was overlooking is that you have to save your pattern before switching to a different one. I was confused before since I thought the seq was saving all the patterns for me as I went. But the correct workflow seems to be:

- Create a pattern in A1

- Save it into A1

- Save it into A2 (copy A1 into A2)

- Switch to A2 via the pattern screen

- Edit A2 to create a variation

- Save A2 into A2

- Save A2 into A3 (copy A2 into A3)...etc.

I am getting much better results now that I'm saving, LOL!



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One more thing to ask you seq expert users out there. Given that 4 tracks are saved with each pattern, any recommendations on how to best organize things? I thinking I would use G1T1 for drums, G2T1 for bass, G3T1 for lead, and G4T1 for something other stuff. That seems logical but also seems wasteful since I am only using 1 track per group. Any tips on what has worked best for you?



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Hi fussylizard,

it surely is not the "standard" way to use the seq - but for live fun, i mostly use the 16 tracks as individual synced-unmutable sequences (like ableton clips), this is mostly always enough for a song and its variations (am not using song mode or pattern switching at all). You can organize the tracks (shift them around to bring them in a more logical order) with the new cool "track clone" feature.

Greets and have fun!


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Hi fussylizard,

it surely is not the "standard" way to use the seq - but for live fun, i mostly use the 16 tracks as individual synced-unmutable sequences (like ableton clips), this is mostly always enough for a song and its variations (am not using song mode or pattern switching at all). You can organize the tracks (shift them around to bring them in a more logical order) with the new cool "track clone" feature.

Greets and have fun!


So you just do track mutes to switch stuff then?

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