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Make...me crazy


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Hello everybody,

First of all, I'm not a beginner programmer....more :) .

I was trying to setup and install the toolchain following the tutorial I found here Mios32Mac but unfortunately at the end of the setup, I tryed to run the Tutorial (midi_forw) with a nice, bad surprise.

I attached a txt file of my terminal error msg...hope it can help TermErrMsg.txt

I was searching a bit on the forum but I found topics more for Windows user..I have a Mac Os X 10.6 system.

Really hope in your help!

thanks in advance



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Hi Phil, and thanks for your support!

Yes at that time I did it, but to be sure, I deleted everything and I'm repeating the installation now again...in real time :)...I will just jump the part concerning the "svn" command which I already did following the tutorial at "rubyrobot.org".

Step by step:

  1. I create the "svn" directory and went in with cd svn
  2. I moved Inside this directory and checkout the repository
  3. After his process, I got the msg "Checked out revision 1351"
  4. Now, my mios32 folder is inside the svn folder I created before
  5. Downloaded the toolchain,extracted and moved it under svn/mios32/trunk
  6. Tested with the example "export MIOS32_PATH=~/svn/mios32/trunk" and the echo..
  7. Set up the path variables...in my case I would like to use the LPC17 so I exported this "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mios32_toolchain/bin"...and then the others from the lpc17 group at the bottom of the tutorial page.
  8. Tryed to run the tutorial...
  9. Got another..new error...see my "terminal" text file I attached... :cry: TermErrMsg2.txt
  10. The different things I did during these steps was to delete the empty "include" and "bin" folders before I moved the mios32 toolchain under svn/mios32/trunk.....I think my mac overwrite the folders...result...they where then empty...no common.mk file inside...now is there :)

At this point looks like I should not have anymore the problem with the make file...but something with the "arm-none-eabi-gcc" folder.

Any tips please?

thanks a lot and sorry for my English.


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You should check if there is a binary called: arm-none-eabi-gcc in the directory /usr/local/mios32_toolchain/bin

If it is there, then there is a problem with your path. Check your path with the command: echo $PATH (in terminal)

Check and see if /usr/local/mios32_toolchain/bin is in it.

If is not there then you should unpack ftp://ftp.lansystems.co.uk/pub/midibox/mios32_toolchain_intelmac_20101024.zip again.

Edited by Shuriken
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Hello and really thanks all for your support!

For Shuriken: I did it,I checked my path and seems ok ...I even see the file arm-none-eabi-gcc but nothing work,always the same error message

I did all the process again just right now, Toolchain freshly dowloaded,etc..but nothing changed, still missing that file, even if its there.TermErrMsg3.txt

Any suggestion? from my side... I just feel soo stupid but I really don't know what is wrong.

Thanks again to all of you.


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I don't know how to check it.. :ermm:

I run the file serching it through the finder and then double clicked on it....here a copy of my terminal msg...which automatically opened after double-clicking on the file TermMsg-anegcc.txt

I also found a similiar one called "arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.5.1"..run it by double clicking...and got the same msg like for the "normal" one.

I was also tryng to repeat the process on a Windows Xp machine...in that case I get blocked in the step:

  • "Under User variables, select the variable 'PATH' and click 'Edit'

My user variables just have 2 strings, one is called TMP...the other I don't remember...but sure nothing which start with PATH..

Again, really thanks a lot in advance to all of you which are supporting me!

I really hope that after this problem...I will start to use the forum to support too...of course with other skills I have..ehehehe


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