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connect 8x8 led matrix with only 16 pins?


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Looks similar to the normal design so this should help. Be aware that most of the designs you see, at least for MBSID, use 3mm leds.

I have opted to make my LED Matrix solution that, while it's not quite done yet, you might be able to get some ideas from if you wanted to make your own. The top board is basically a printed board that can use 3mm LEDs and includes the buttons around the matrix. You could either use it with a normal DOUT module or do something like my daughterboard solution (most practical if you are putting shift registers on your control surface boards themselves rather than using DOUT modules).

It's untested currently but is on the short list to have fabbed here soon (I'm hoping a month but that might be over-realistic). The designs, however, are available as Eagle files if you want to make changes and try it yourself.

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