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MIDIbox CV Clock Sync


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Recently I'm using more the clock output of the MIDIbox CV (firmware ver. 1.2a), and noted an anoying behaviour. My sequencer (SONAR) is sending MIDI Clock all the time (even when stopped), and MIDIbox CV y synced all the time, so is outputting Clock signal all the time, that's OK, when I hit start in my sequencer, the MIDIbox CV keeps outputting Clock, but not sync the division to the start of the sequencer. Let's say I configured the Clock of the MIDIbox to 24/12 ppqn, when I start the sequencer most times the clock is shifted from the the tempo of the sequencer. The shift could be anything between 1 ppqn and the division I set in the MIDIbox configuration (1/8 note in my example).

How could I reset the counter in the MIDIbox CV when a MIDI start message arrives?

Thank you.

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This seems to be a bug, but unfortunately I've currently no access to my hardware.

Please up this thread in 2 weeks if I haven't replied yet.

According to the source code the divider should be reset on an incoming MIDI start event:

movlw 0xfa
rgoto CV_CLK_NotifyRx_NoStart
clrf CV_CLK_DIVIDER, BANKED ; clear clock divider (!)
rgoto CV_CLK_NotifyRx_Start_Cont

but it seems that this doesn't work correctly anymore.

Or can anybody confirm that it works at his side?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wasn't able to reproduce this with Logic, but I noticed a missing feature: the divider wasn't cleared with a song position event.

If Sonar doesn't send MIDI start, but a song position event instead, then this is the reason.

Please try following version and give feedback:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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