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LPC17 Core not responding


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Having built my first LPC17 Core last night, I can't get it to work! I followed the instructions on the wiki, except that I did not seperate the debug board, but when connected to my computer (running Ubuntu), it is not detected. Both dmesg and lsusb give no indication that anything has been connected. A red LED (I presume the power LED) lights on the LPC board, but that's it. Any ideas?



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Have you tried the LPC on its own (not connected to core PCB)?

This is what Dmesg shows on my Ubuntu machine for the debug board:

[ 368.584139] usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 3

[ 368.790167] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

lsusb shows : Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0471:df55 Philips

I couldn't get eclipse to work on my machine as it's a rather old Toshiba but, once the bootloader was installed (using a windows machine) Mios Studio works ok.


PS I think you have to program the bootloader via the debug port before the usb on the core PCB works.

Edited by gomiboy99
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Thanks Tim,

I have already programmed the bootloader - that part appeared to worked fine. The LPC17 module shows up when connected via the debug board, but not when connected via the core PCB's USB socket. Off to work now, but I'll have another play when I get back. I may try to re-flash the bootloader in case somthing whnt wrong there.


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Here is a previous post from the seqv4l page

Posted 10 November 2011 - 19:38Hiya,

I found a strange little quirk with my lpc1769 board......here are the details.

If I do not seperate the two halves of the lpc board before placing it on the core board,the lpc will not boot corectly,I spent a good few hours looking for dry joints etc in the header pins to no avail.

However if I twisted the board ever so slightly the thing would boot up....it turned out my fingers were brushing against J5 of the debugging board making the thing boot up.....confused is an understatement...lol.

Anyhow I put my other lpc17 (already seperated) on the same core board and it fired up 10/10....hmm only difference was the debugging board was not attached to this one.......so I attached it via the sockets suggested at ucapps.....aaaaa progress...this board would not boot up with the debugging board attached either........unless I touched J5 on the debugging board.

Took the debugging board from the new lpc17 placed it in the core and bingo....it worked.

So,looking at the ucapps tutorial on the lpc17 it seems that I have done everything that I should have but it seems the debugging board has to be removed for the lpc17 to work........or as is usually the case have I missed something?

Anyhow....all is good now but I thought this might save someone else a bit of hair tugging.



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I initially tried to cut the traces, but with the pins already soldered on, I could not put the board down on a flat surface, so gave up after a few minutes. I was a tad worried about using snips, but I have cut strip board with them before without any problems. It worked really well - a nice clean cut, with the holes intact on both sides of the cut.


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