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Midibox LC strap down


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Hi at all...

first post here. so let me say, what a great source this forum is.

I think i'm on the right way, but a few questions remain.

What i want to do:

I search for a workaround to get Stop/Play/Record status out of Protools.

In fact i need just a Dout level to control a small logic witch will drive

some LED's and a relais (or FET switch).

The relais switches the Talkback Mic send to Headphone system in the

recording room. The talkback mutes automatically when Protools is in

Playback and/or in Record status.


1) am i right, the only way to get these status out of a DAW is a Midibox LC?

Will this work properly with just the core module and nothing else?

2) can i use the Dout's directly from the PIC without a additional Dout module?

Is it possible to address these 3 Dout pins from the PIC to the right midinote?

thank you very much for clarifying...


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  • 2 months later...


It looks like we are on an almost identical quest. I'd love to team up with you to share information.

I realise that this project is elementary to many users here, but as another novice, with good electronic skills but negligible microcontroller programming experience, I could use all the help and advice I can get from you or anyone else reading this.

Until finding this site, I had been considering a Teensy board as this can talk MIDI over USB with a good selection of libraries. Maybe the MIDIbox route makes more sense.

I want to make my device work with as wide a range of DAWs and sequencers as possible. Like you, I want to detect a DAW or sequencer being in Play/Record Ready, Record and Stop. While detecting the presence of MTC would be an easy way of determining that the DAW is in Play, I don't think there is an easy way of detecting "Record".

The two options I have considered is MMC (MIDI Machine Control) and HUI emulation. Both seem to be widely available on many DAWs. Although MMC is probably simpler to integrate, in my experience, most users do not understand what it does and it it can be tricky to enable in many DAWs. HUI emulation is usually very straightforward to enable, but I am not sure whether someone could use our device at the same time as a control surface also running under HUI. Can anyone answer that?

There certainly seem to be people here who know how to talk HUI protocol. I assume that a "Hello I am a HUI" conversation would need to take place between the DAW and my box before it can start accepting transport commands. So far, I have found a fair bit of info on Mackie/Logic Control switching, but not much on HUI. Again, if anyone would care to act as my mentor, I would really appreciate it.


Hi at all...

first post here. so let me say, what a great source this forum is.

I think i'm on the right way, but a few questions remain.

What i want to do:

I search for a workaround to get Stop/Play/Record status out of Protools.

In fact i need just a Dout level to control a small logic witch will drive

some LED's and a relais (or FET switch).

The relais switches the Talkback Mic send to Headphone system in the

recording room. The talkback mutes automatically when Protools is in

Playback and/or in Record status.


1) am i right, the only way to get these status out of a DAW is a Midibox LC?

Will this work properly with just the core module and nothing else?

2) can i use the Dout's directly from the PIC without a additional Dout module?

Is it possible to address these 3 Dout pins from the PIC to the right midinote?

thank you very much for clarifying...


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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I'm a total newby here as well. But as I'm also interested about how the MBLC works, I will try to help here from what I understood: The DAW sends feedback to the mblc when either rec/play/... are engaged, in the form of a status led witch is wired as shown here:


You could then wire a relay instead of the wanted led as shown here :


There might be other simpler(?) ways to do that but that one should work for someone with no programing skills (like me) and very limited knowlegdge about midi implementation and protocole.


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