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Trigger Patterns with notes from a keyboard

John E. Finster

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Hi, a quick question.

i am not entirely sure how and which patterns can be triggered with the BLM in pattern mode, so please bear with me.

as i imagine it, the BLM16x16, when in pattern mode, triggers 4 x 16 patterns (?) probably with a midinote or some other midi event.

so wouldn´t it be possible to trigger these patterns mith a regular midi keyboard (or controller) instead?

Thanks und Greets

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Yes, in theory it's possible to handle BLM functions with a controller.

It would be difficult with a common MIDI keyboard, as the rows are mapped to Note Number 0..15 of MIDI Channel 1..16

It would also be important that the controller is able to send a SysEx string in order to enable BLM mode, and it has to send a special key combination in order to select pattern mode (because grid edit mode is selected by default)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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