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Problem with the AIN


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Hi All,

I'm currently debugging my first midibox and need your help, guys...

I've build one CORE and one AIN modules. The CORE is ok, I can dowload code into the PIC with no problem all seems to be ok (display correct messages on the LCD).

The problems begin to pop-up when trying to access the pots via the AIN module. I already solve the problems of the random value (the classical newbie bug... :-)).

The problem is that when I try the ain_example3_v1_3 application, I can turn whatever pots but nothing happens.

So I try then the ain_example1_v1_3 with a pot directly connect to RA0 on the PIC and that's working.

I've checked my AIN for connections/soldering problems several times and all seems fine. I've also checked that when I move the first pot, the voltage is also moving at the pin5 of the first 4051. I've test different 4051 with no success...

I begin to think that the problem come from the 4051 themselves.

So, two questions:

- Is the HCF4051BE a correct replacment for the CD4051 ?

- How can I test that a particular 4051 is working? I would like to adress statically a particular input of the 4051 in the main of the application to test with the multimeter values at input and output of the 4051, but I'm not yet familiar enough with MIOS and PIC ASM to do this...

Who can help me on this topic ?

Thanks in advance


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Hi Xan,

the HCF4051BE is working, but did you take into account that the AIN example 3 demonstrates how to realize a soft-overtake function (which doesn't send any MIDI value until the pot reached the received position for jumpless changes). It's better to try it with a test application like ain64_din128_dout128_v1_3

You could set the number of connected pots to 1 in order to check a single 4051 with a single input. You could run the AIN driver in "UnMuxed" mode (see main.asm) and stimulate the select pins (PORTC, 0; PORTC, 1; PORTC, 2) of the multiplexers directly.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,

Ok, I found the problem...

I've checked all connections on the Core...

I've checked all connections on the AIN...

And what did I forgot to check ??

The cable of course !!!! Pfff...Stupid guy !!! :-)

Anyway, I've discover that the type of connectors/cable I've made is poor quality solution... I will definitively go to buy good connectors... Will cause less troubles...

Thanks again....


PS: I begin to dig into the programming with MIOS...and my god what a beautiful stuff !!!  :D

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