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6582 buzz (solved)


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Oh no... I had a story about solving the buzzing in my sid, but it's not fixed.. I suppose everything was warmed up and the usual power cycle didn't make it start buzzing again..

So, if anyone reads this, even though it says "solved", can you help me figure out the buzzing my 6582 has developed? When I first built it, it was quiet. Then after messing w/ it w/out a case and debugging the control surface it started buzzing. All 4 pair of sids do it. 4 are 6582, 2 are 6581's, and the oters are swinsid's. After it warms up for 5 or 10 min, it stops buzzing. Voltages at the power supply, and at each sid are correct.

I was thinking about replacing the regulators and large power supply caps, but the voltages are alright, and I've never heard of a capacitor needing to warm up.. (When caps have failed on me, it's been as a short circuit)

Any ideas?

Edited by wicked1
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I've re-soldered a good portion of the board. (and am a pretty good solderer, to begin with).. I have not pulled IC's, though. Could be same issue w/ contact between an IC and the socket..

What bothers me most is that I really don't think it buzzed before I messed w/ it. In debugging things I managed to shock(I guess) one of the din IC's which caused a lot of strange trouble. Replacing it fixed those issues. But, that has me worried I could have 1/2 shocked another component.

The buzz is much louder on the higher voltage 6581's, than the 2's. Not sure if that helps give any clues as to where to look. (12v vs 9v)

Is it possible for a voltage regulator to develop an issue that could cause noise? (I don't have extra regulators at this time, to try replacing them)

I suppose I'll pull IC's and keep looking for bad solders.

One last strange symptom is that when the buzzing is fading, if I touch the base board around the power supply or sid audio outs, the buzz comes back to full volume, but quickly fades away again.

It's not any specific spot.. I can touch the power supply caps, or really just about anything behind the sids, and the buzz comes back. I have learned over the years that these types of observations usually don't help me or anyone else track down the issue... Debugging sucks! :)

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The whole touching thing makes it sound a bit like a ground issue. Kinda hard to know where exactly the problem is though ;)

I'd try removing all ICs that you don't need one by one (CS first, LCD as well) and see if there's one that makes a noticeable difference.

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