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LPC17 daisy chain (MF_NG)


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Hi there,

I am currently in the design phase of a project and I had a quick question regarding multiple LPC17 cores: Essentially, I'm interested in creating a daisy chain between several MF_NG units so they act as one system. I'm just not sure how to go about creating the network between them. Can I use two MF_NG unit's on ONE LPC17 since there are four available midi ports and only two are needed for each MF_NG? Or, must I connect the LPC17's to each other via those MIDI channels (instead of J11 like the older cores..see below)?

I understand how the connection between MF_NG and LPC17 is made in a single unit but not if I have multiple units. I'd like to be able to have a 24 track console and be able to switch channels (thus extending the console to however many tracks the DAW session has), as well as install an LCD with track names to facilitate the workflow.

If there's some reading here that I'm missing please direct me to it. Originally I figured it would be possible to connect the LPC17's the same way the older core's had been connected (via J11.. http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_link.html) but I wasn't sure whether this applies to the LPC17 cores as well since the page was last updated in 2010.



EDIT: If this is the wrong forum for this topic, please tell me! I am very new to all this.

Edited by DHunter
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there are many possible solutions, so let's find the best one for you.

First of all I need to know which DAW you are using, and in which mode the motorfaders should be controlled?

-> common MIDI events or an emulated protocol?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thorsten, thank you your prompt response! From my exploration of the MIDIbox project it's a pleasure to have your personal attention.

I work in Pro Tools for clients, but also in Ableton Live and Sonar for production. Sometimes Logic as well. My assumption was basic midi capability would be fine for the latter three but Mackie HUI would be needed for Pro Tools (is this correct?) The motorfaders will be strictly for volume, I want them to act exactly like a big SSL console (quiet and smooth). I will be getting a custom aluminum faceplate manufactured as well if the project goes well, so my plan is for it to literally look like the fader section of a brand name console. The pan pots and LCD will be above each fader respectively. My plan is for a 24 track "console" with the ability to switch channels for larger sessions, rather than building a 48 track (or larger) which will cost more money and take up more space.


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  • 2 weeks later...

See the MBHP_MF_NG topic - the Mackie HUI protocol has been implemented meanwhile! :-)

At least under Logic it requires a dedicated port for each HUI, somebody reported that under Protools chaining could be possible by sending MIDI events over different channels, but I can't test it.

So, the most proper solution is the usage of dedicated MIDI ports.

Either via the MIDI USB 4x4 application for MBHP_CORE_LPC17, or a commercial MIDI interface.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thorsten, thanks for your reply!

I just took a look at the thread. I think I'm getting a better understanding of this now.

Please tell me if I have this correct:

Computer > Midi 4x4 > each output connected to a LPC17/MF_NG combination. The respective faders are controlled by MIDI, thus, shifting the channels on the software will automatically shift the track that is assigned to each fader for all LPC17/MF_NG combinations.

Is this right? If so, is it possible to use the LPC17 to support TWO MF_NG modules, thus a 4x4 hub would actually support 8 MF_NG modules (thus 64 tracks)? The HUI software would then switch the channels automatically....??

If all of this is correct, is it possible to install a master channel switch button that accesses the software and switches channels for ALL attached LPC17/MF_NG modules? If so, how? The reason I ask is because I would like to have LCD's with the track names, so a button to go up/down would mean I could turn off my monitor!

Thanks again!


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You should consult your software's manual to check this. If it says it can be done with a Mackie HUI, then it can be done with a MIDIbox LC / MBHP_MF_NG.

Yes I was just wondering how some of the routing on the hardware side would show up on the software side.

IE: If two MF_NG units are hooked up to one LPC17 does it act as one unit (16 tracks) to the software? I'm a big advocate of pre-planning so I want to make sure I understand everything completely before I start the physical build!

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I just checked this for you under Logic Studio:


They appear as two separate devices, and it's possible to assign different fader groups to the HUIs.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Fantastic - thanks Thorsten!

I'll be starting the build soon and undoubtedly come across some hiccups so I'm sure I'll be back, ha ha. I'll make sure to update everyone once I've finished regardless. I'm very excited!

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