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MIDIBox 16E LPC1769 confusion


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Hi, I'm new here and to MIDIBox in general and i'm having a few confusing problems.

I'm trying to wire my DIN and DOUT modules to my EA LPC1769.

Now i know that the Dout module is meant to connect to J8 and the Din to J9 but my problem is working out which pin is which.

I'v trawled through as much documentation i can find but i'm coming up empty.

The problem is that J9 on the board is a collection of three 2-pin jumpers with no discernible pin one and J8 is a 20-pin JTAG, and again, i'n not sure on the pin out. I'm unable to match them all up.

Would some one be able to nudge me in the right direction?

I've attached a picture of J8 and J9.



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The port names refer to the MBHP LPC17 Core board. You seem to be using some kind of protoboard, so I am pretty confident your J9 is not our J9. You will have to check the schematics of your board and the LPC17 core board and compare - you want to know which pins on your board connect to the relevant pins of the processor itself.

Good luck!

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