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master slave ID:

Guest arjanver

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there are two different IDs: the MIOS ID which addresses the core for code down- and uploads, and the application specific ID (here for the SID application).

In a single core environment the MIOS ID should be zero (0x00). It has to be configured when burning the bootstrap loader into the PIC, but it can also be changed later by using the change_id application.

You can verify the ID when booting MIOS, because the "upload request" SysEx string already contains it.

It depends on the application how to setup and verify the application specific ID. The SID prints it on the LCD, if you don't use a LCD, you could send some pings with different device IDs to the box - once the SID application returns a ping, you are sure that you selected the correct ID

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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