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MIOS32 Bootloader V1.010


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A new MIOS32 Bootloader release v1.010 is available which finally solves the USB MIDI issues under Windows by enabling the usage of the GM5 device driver.
-> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html

Unfortuntely this change means, that Bootloader and Applikation have to be updated. Old application releases are not fully compatible anymore (the new bootloader can't be accessed from the old releases), therefore a cumbersome update procedure is required which is described below.

I must say that I don't like such dependencies, but I don't see a more comfortable approach. Therefore it's better to initiate the major update now than never...

Following steps are required for the complete update:

1) install the new MIOS32 Bootloader:

  • upload the MIOS32 Bootloader V1.010 which is available at http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html
  • wait some seconds until the bootloader has been installed
  • close MIOS Studio
  • disconnect the USB cable, after some seconds connect it again.
  • open MIOS Studio: the USB port should be found

2) install the new application release - this has to be done *after* bootloader installation!


  • upload the new application binary which is available at http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html
  • close MIOS Studio
  • Windows users: you should install the GM5 driver now. MacOS/Linux users: no special measure required, the legacy drivers are working great!
  • open MIOS Studio, and select "GM5 Port 1" for MIDI IN and OUT -> communication with the core should be possible again.

Windows users: note that beside of the higher robustness of SysEx transfers and better performance, the GM5 driver finally gives you multi client capabilities!
This means for example, that MIOS Studio is now able to communicate with the core in parallel to other MIDI programs (like your DAW) without MIDI port access conflicts! smile.gif

Last but not least some troubleshooting tips for the case that an update fails:



  • if the USB MIDI interfaces won't be found by MIOS Studio after the update, it could be that your operating system needs a bit more time than after a usual update to register the ports. It shouldn't take more than 10..20 seconds. Just open MIOS Studio again after this time.
  • if you uploaded an old application by accident which isn't compatible to the new bootloader, you've two possibilities: either stuff the "Boot Hold" jumper J27 on your MBHP_CORE_STM32/MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module, reconnect the USB cable and reopen MIOS Studio to get direct access to the bootloader, or upload the application via traditional MIDI IN1/OUT1

Best Regards, Thorsten.


P.S.: This thread is dedicated for the major updates in V1.010

MIOS32 Bootloader V1.011 an future versions are notified under  again!

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