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Nice Datawheel Knob for SEQV4


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Hey folks,


i found some interessting datawheel knobs a time ago as i searched for a nice one for my SEQV4 and i found some nice at a german electronic distributor "voelkner" (has the same product range as "conrad"). I also testet the ALPS DK38 but i like the "Cliff Encoder Knob" more because better haptic feeling (it has a metal weight in its body). there are two types of them with different weight. i like the heavyer more. have a look to it:


the heavy one: http://www.voelkner.de/products/339068/Cliff-Encoder-Knopf-K18-CL71650B-Schwarz-Achs-Durchmesser-6-mm.html


the more lighter weight: http://www.voelkner.de/products/339070/Cliff-Encoder-Knopf-K18-CL71660B-Schwarz-Achs-Durchmesser-6-mm.html


same in different color: http://www.voelkner.de/products/339067/Cliff-Encoder-Knopf-K18-CL71650A-Grau-Achs-Durchmesser-6-mm.html

and the lighter one: http://www.voelkner.de/products/339069/Cliff-Encoder-Knopf-K18-CL71660A-Grau-Achs-Durchmesser-6-mm.html


the cheaper one is always the lighter one!


the only problem of it is that it is not for a "D"-shap shaft...that means not for the used encoders...but it works great...it fits and feels and also looks great!


here a picture of my SEQV4 with that datawheelknob. you could think about to offer them to the others too....they are realy feel better then the DK38...but they are more expensive!


here a picture of my SEQV4 with that knob fitted...




(i allready searching for the encoder knobs in the picture...i bought a SEQV4 CS Kit from SmashTV were they were part of it...he told me that the manufacturer of that knobs dont produce them anymore or they do it only you order a real big value.)




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