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Trouble implementing GLCD Fonts

John E. Finster

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hi, i´m currently trying to implement an alternative glcd font (12x16), but it won´t work. the letters are not complete, kind of shifted, etc.

if i want to print "button" the display shows half a "p", half a "w", some curves which look like "s"s and so on.


what i did: i created a bitmap (192x128 px), exported it to *.xpm, converted it with convpix_c.pl to *.inc, added the header bytes (width, height,...) and renamed the file to *.c.


i managed to implement the additional font into the mb_ng firmware and into the glcd driver, "&1" and "&2" now activate the additional fonts i created, everything peachy so far. so i think the problem must be with the fonts. 


which font sizes are supported? i know the height must be devidable by 8 (so 8,16,24,...), is this also the case for the width? is there something wrong with the *.xpm i created? i attached it if someone wants to take a look. is there something else i am missing?




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There are no constraints for the width... unfortunately you forgot to pass the most important part: the .inc file with the header definitions.

Probably only the header values are wrongly set.


Best Regards, Thorsten.


P.S.: please don't distribute .rar files, they are hard to use on operating systems != Windows

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Hi Thorsten, thanks for the reply.


here is what i wrote into the *.inc file


// converted with 'convpix mb_font_12x16.xpm'

#include <mios32.h>

const u8 MB_FONT_12x16[] = {
12, 2*8, 0, 12, // width, height, X0 offset, char offset

0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,.... };

after that i renamed it to "mb_font_12x16.c" and compiled the mb_ng firmware.


Today I tried it with a 16x16 font, but i had the same result.


P.S. Sorry about the RAR, i will remember that.



EDIT: i just went over the whole procedure again just to make sure:


1. created the *.xpm file

2. converted it with convpix_c.pl to *.inc

3. added the header bytes above

4. renamed the *.inc file to *.c

5. compiled mb_ng firmware


-> same result


i attached the font file i created.


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I came across another problem i don´t get my head around. i experimented with an inverted font and there are strange artifacts appearing on other glcds.


i attached both font files i used. other fonts (non-inverted) i created are displayed without problems.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The mystery of the artifacts continues..... :o


Seriously, i did some additional testing on this matter and a general pattern is starting to reveal itself.

After some experimening with different sizes and characters it seems that the artifacts only appear if the first vertical pixel line of a character has a 0xff byte in it and some special conditions are true.

I will try to explain what I mean by reffering to the <font>.c file:



If a character starts with


0xff,....    (font height 8px)




0xff,....    (font height 16px)



then the artifacts are always there.


If a character (font height 16px) starts with



0x7f,.... (e.g.)


then the artifacts are only there if the character is placed on an even line (like "lcd_pos=1:1:2")


If a character (font height 16px) starts with


0xfe,....  (e.g.)



then the artifacts are only there if the character is placed on an uneven line (like "lcd_pos=1:1:3")



That´s it so far. I can work my way around this, i just have to avoid characters that start with a 0xff byte. This limits my design ideas a little but I can work with this. At least I have a pattern now, that I can take into account when I´m designing more fonts.

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Hi Thorsten, thanks for stepping in.


I attached the files i modified and all the <font>.c and <font>.xpm files I created. For better overview over my little font project I put the fonts in dedicated folders. You will see if you open the glcd_font.mk.




P.S. Sorry, I forgot. Are *.Zip files ok?

fonts project.zip

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Ok, now I only need the time to analyze this...  :unsure:

(I'm on a business trip next week, and on holiday thereafter... if I don't feel boring it could be that I can't check this before april)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for your understanding!

Please keep this thread updated whenever you find new infos - because from my point of view there is no reason why this shouldn't work (beside of .xpm conversion issues with a script that I wrote 18 years ago - take it as it is, and try to workaround any conversion issues)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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