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SEQV4L and MIDIO128 in one box


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Hello midiboxers,


this is just a possibly silly idea posted for getting your feedback. I (will) have this modified MIDIO128 with a SCS and a XR385 daughterboard sound card on midi port 4.  There is room in the box (C64C) for another core and I have a spare SEQV4L CS.  I could hook the second core running SEQV4L to midi 3 of the first core.  


Being mainly a guitar player, the MIDIO should (in the end) connect only to a few DIN foot switches and AIN expression pedals and maybe maybe some extra LED's or relays.


Will this work? Will it need much code modifications? Can two cores work with a single SD card? How to deal with master and slave settings of both cores?  Should one core handle all midi communication with external devices or should the second also have MIDI 1& 2 in & out connectors?


Or  should I go for the Grand Sequencer and dedicate one of its ports to the XR385? The code driving sound card  should be modular enough to be incorporated in other applications..


Any thoughts will be much appreciated.

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This should work without code modifications. Just configure the MIDI forwarding to MIDI IN3/OUT3 with the integrated MIDI router.


It isn't possible to share a SD Card between two cores.


There is no need to deal with master/slave settings. The second core just behaves like an independent device.


It makes sense to use dedicated MIDI IN/OUTs for both cores.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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