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How to use DOUT/ assign to button ?


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Stupid newbee questions - I don't understand how to use the DOUT in Midibox64.  I see what you can select, but what doe it mean, what does it do?


All I want is to be able to assign an LED  (DOUT) to a button when the button is defined as a "toggle" type.  How / can / \where do I do that?


Are they 'already mapped' ?  What is the "shift register"?




# LED Map: assignes the LED shift registers to the Button Shift
# registers or special values
# Currently following values are supported:
#    0     Default Setting (see Map below)
#    1     Button Shift Register 1 (Button ID #1-#8)
#    2     Button Shift Register 2 (Button ID #9-#16)





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I fear that somebody else has to explain this, if the documentation of the MBHP_* modules under http://www.ucapps.de isn't clear enough (sometimes also wikipedia or google helps to get informations about the used terms)


Anyhow, "mapping" means, that the 8 pins of a DOUT shift register reflect the state of 8 buttons connected to certain DIN shift register. If the buttons are configured for toggle mode, the DOUTs will behave accordingly.


With the LED map you are able to define, which DOUT shift register should be assigned to which DIN shift register. It gives you some more flexibility.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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whats the "defoult" configuration? i´m not so good coding and my intention is to use leds asigned to buttons, so for me will be really nice to have a "one to one" configuration by default...i mean:


button 1 asingned to led 1

button 2 asingned to led 2

button 3 asingned to led 3

and so on


if its not this way by default , can you help me on how and where i can do this??? or where can i find the information?


thank you very much, its my first atempt with the leds this is my midibox number 3, all my gratitude for this incredible project

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