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App_Init() at power cycle


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Hello midbox friends


I have something strange (i think) with my midio128 based application..I added a code module, with its own Init() and several MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage() in the initialization code.

Strangely, these are fired into MIOS Studio when the code starts after upload.  They do not, however, appear when I power cycle the core (switch off and on).


I then added debug messages to the App_Init() of midio128 itself with the same effect. Isn't that strange? I would expect App_Init to run whenever the program starts?  Or is it a timing issue, that only after some running time, messages are sent to MIOS Studio?


I'd be grateful for any clues,


Thank you.



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APP_Init() is always called after power-on, but the USB connection could be delayed (depends on the operating system you are using).

Therefore it can happen, that debug messages, which are print directly after power-on, get lost.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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